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    I was wondering, how does cannabis grow and flower outdoors in nature when there is never total darkness? Personally I have grown nice buds in my garden with lots of moonlight, or does the moon not count as light?

    That light has be at an intensity and frequency, to wake them up, moon light is not enuf even though I have seen nights lite up like day, and days so dark you cant see (storms).


      I was wondering the same thing. There are lots of anecdotal statements in the various forums that the grow room must be absolutely light tight - even a LED on a wall wart can prevent triggering flowering. However, moonlight is much brighter than a single led. Furthermore, I looked at the spectrum of moonlight (see image) since, from what I've read 666nm (Ph) red and 705-740nm (Pfr) far red are the primary frequency the plant triggers off. Moonlight is actually skewed toward the red so a large portion of that light we see in moonlight is in the right range that the cannabis Phytochromes trigger from. There must be more going on...
      Click image for larger version

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Views:	257
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ID:	549015
      5x7 closet with reflective mylar on the walls
      2 UF-4000 LEDs (set to 25K Lumens at the plant)
      150 CFM bathroom vent installed in ceiling exhausting through a roof vent
      Elitech STC-1000Wifi Temp&Humidity Controller
      1X Sundae Driver in 35g grow bag
      2X Orange Velvet in 35g grow bags


        I think sunrise/sunset duration factor in there somewhere too. It takes a while to get light and dark outside where it’s just a matter of seconds in the tent.


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