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Marijuana Legalization?

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    Marijuana Legalization?

    What do you think about legalization? Global legalization? Or only in certain advanced countries? Why banned weed when alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana.

    Because way many more people are hooked on some form of pill than drink alcohol. Do you think big pharma and the politicians in their pockets want marijuana to be legal?


    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      after my gastric bypass surgery leaked and I went septic ,in a coma for 28 days and another 50 in Hospitals they had me hooked real good I had a hole in my butt you could fit a softball in so I was on 180 ml grams a day you could set your watch by when I took those pills , well after I had the last surgery to fix my stomach it was November ,by my birthday in March I was off of them completely my Doctor was sure I would have to go to rehab to get off of them ,Nope I just smoked pot and it worked .So I believe that the big Pharma companies will fight to keep pot right up there with heroin

    • Puglover1
      Puglover1 commented
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      The "group" who started this anti-opiate thing has skin in the game. Google Andrew Kolodney and Suboxone. Most of the people deciding this stuff have monetary reasons for their crusade and are not pain doctors who went to school for their specialty. Chronic pain people aren't hooked, less than 1% get addicted or have withdrawal symptoms when forced off their meds. I went from 250 mcg Fentanyl patch to none, all it did was make me have more health issues, less sleep, more pain, less abled, more isolated and broke from buying dispo weed to try to replace the help that the Rx gave me, it was covered by insurance. In the 5 years since the 2016 CDC's misapplied guidelines went into effect overdose deaths from heroin and illicit fentanyl have increased. It was never the pills. Blaming ODs on pills is like blaming gun violence on pills - both examples are inaccurate. Politicians don't mind mj being legal, it brings in tax money to their states, and they invest in the industry. Big pharma is like the mob, they won't lose money, they just increase prices. Back on a small pain patch, I can attest to the price increase.

    I like that it's legal to grow in my state. I only wish it was more than 4 plants per household. And i very much concur with the above statement. It's a plant that produces amazing helpful medicine for people in many forms.
    Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

    Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
    indoor/outdoor grower
    1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
    I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
    Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


    • Farmbuck
      Farmbuck commented
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      Hear !! Hear !! Same here, little Justin allow us to grow 4 girls no more and ONLY certains provinces not all... But I don't give a damn, last grow I had 22 girls to take care off and keeping them satisfy lolll Did I managed to keep them happy ? Nope not really. This time I'm going for less.

    • Puglover1
      Puglover1 commented
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      Wow, didn't know you had a 4 plant limit. It's five here. Here's my problem with MJ for pain: If you're in the hospital you can't use it, and the drs are clueless. Now women having complete hysterectomies get IV Tylenol for post-op pain, it's cruel. People dying from cancer in hospice can't get morphine. I love MJ but it can't compete for severe pain management. A neurosurgeon told me I need surgery in 3 places on my spine, two different surgeries, and that I'd need "a couple of Norcos" afterward. They're on my allergy list. Doctors are afraid to get busted for doing their jobs, despite their Hippocratic Oath.

    Even in some areas where it is legal, the restrictions don’t make sense. You can grow say four plants but you’re not allowed to store the amount of weed that those four plants could potentially produce. Can’t sell it either. Butttttt!!!! If you’re caught growing four plants illegally, the news will say they confiscated a live grow operation worth over 100k 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


    • Puglover1
      Puglover1 commented
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      They've always severely over-inflated the 'worth' of busts, using small buy street values. I think the "inventory" thing is a CYA for illegal big grow busts. We had a county sheriff who was busting so many vehicles hauling weed on I-80 that a major newspaper had a cartoon about how to avoid my county while traveling on Interstate 80. The drug task forces were pulling people over, taking their cash (even when no drugs were found) and letting them go ... then taking Vegas vacations on what they pocketed.

    Humm. I'm in Michigan. Can grow 12 plants. 4 seems to be a slap in the face just a bit...
    Mother Earth Coco/Perlite 70/30
    Canna Coco Or
    Happy Frog soil
    Fox Farms nutrients trio
    Smart pots
    Vivosun tent, LED lite & fan

    Semper Fi brothers and sisters!


    As of July 1, 2021 the state of Ct. made it legal recreationally, was already legal medically, and yes big pharma has a lot to lose (GOOD) the thing is, when will the United States 🇺🇸 government recognize it? However if your afraid of the Federal laws in place, while your state has approved it, when will most realize that the state law supersedes the federal mandate? Remember the States created the Federal government so.


    • PLreef
      PLreef commented
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      I'm glad CT finally passed it but the bill is stupid. I can grow up to 6 plants but only possess 5oz. The math doesn't add up. Most of us can pull that or more off one plant.

    • Puglover1
      Puglover1 commented
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      PLreef - it's like do they want you to smoke 24/7, or sell it. Or grow miniatures, like I do

    • Soulmindfist
      Soulmindfist commented
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      I’m just growing for me , and when friends come over. Not looking to sell anything, wanna learn some new recipes also lol

    We all grow minis now an then LOL Puglover1 i think autos are made for SOG pack em in like sardines LOL. Your right PLreef i bet some smelly old duff group of ignorant humans sat down with there at the table asked someone " how much does a plant yield, limit of oz. Oh about 5oz duhhhhhhh well that's the total then" moronic coin toss. F=them
    Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

    Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
    indoor/outdoor grower
    1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
    I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
    Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


      MO has an eighteen plant limit but the details are weird. Six "flowering", six "non-flowering" and six "seedlings" per permit. They don't have much personnel to enforce any of this anyway.
      Coconut Grove
      4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Liberty Haze, Acapulco Gold, Lavender and Sweet Amnesia Haze.

      3x3 tent, Platinum P300 LED. Flowering two Tangies.

      Flower tent:
      4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Super Lemon Haze, Durban Poison and two Tangie x Blueberry crosses.

      32"x32" tent with Feit white LED. Vegging four Mother's Finest.

      Coco/Perlite/worm castings/mycorrhizae living soil mix.
      Down-To-Earth dry amendments. Gnarly Barley added weekly. Eisenia fetida.

      On deck: Winter indicas.


        There has been a growing popular movement in the United States to legalize marijuana for medicinal and recreational uses, with several states adopting such measures already. One motivation for legalization is the economic benefits that can come from the regulated commercial availability of marijuana. Increased tax revenues, job growth, and investment opportunities all are powerful incentives to push for legalization.


        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
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          Keep the hands out of small farmers pockets with the regulations man they keep pushing more and more regs. I hope to never see commercial pharms in my area. Brought to you by " Johnson & Johnson" DC pharmacy/ Solent Green

        • Puglover1
          Puglover1 commented
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          The other day they cited the issue with crossing state lines between legal & illegal states. If you travel by air you have to dump what you didn't use and wait to buy more after you arrive in a legal state. Then use or dump that before you leave. On the upper east coast states are small and people cross state lines daily while driving, at least they're observing this issue. There's a large cultivator in a town 10 minutes away, I've never heard of any complaints. They expanded before COVID, more than doubled in size.

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