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New york is now legal

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    New york is now legal

    At 12 noon today Gov . signed into law FINALY

    WE can have 3 oz. 0n you..................5 POUNDS at home........6 plants


    • buffalobuds
      buffalobuds commented
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      Sorry !!! NOT 5 Pounds(that was a press release} NYS offical release 5 OUNCES

    Originally posted by buffalobuds View Post
    WE can have 3 oz. 0n you..................5 POUNDS at home........6 plants
    Nice! That is more than the 4 plants we can grow in Canada. Not sure how they’ll police your home stash staying under 5lbs but as long as you are not selling I wouldn’t be too worried. It sounds like a lot but if you only grow for yourself and enjoy it as a hobby it can start piling up 🙂


      That's all I've been waiting for. I'm purchasing seeds today and my setup should be here Monday in order to start growing


        WE are to wait AFTER the state opens their stores, MED 6 months


        • buffalobuds
          buffalobuds commented
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          The NEW YORK TIMES printed all the details

        Fabulous news!
        Past Grows: Jack 47 Auto - La Bella Afrodita - Black Cream and Cheese Autos
        I like weed and science.


          Great news. Wish CT would pull their head out out of their ass. Maybe they will follow suit seeing every state around me is doing the same.
          5x5 Gorilla tent
          Spectrum King SK402 - 2× Optic XL1
          Infinity T8 exhaust fan
          Technaflora nutes
          Nectar of the Gods soil


          • Bowhunterwoody
            Bowhunterwoody commented
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            I think they'll do it but not let us grow. Too much $ going over the borders.

          • PLreef
            PLreef commented
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            I saw the proposed bill. It's horseshit.

          Congrats New Yorkers
          Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

          Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
          indoor/outdoor grower
          1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
          I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
          Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


            It'll take more than that to get me back to Plattsburgh.


            • JeffInCanada
              JeffInCanada commented
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              LOL! And the Bills can now at least smoke a Super Bowl rather than win one.

            • OlderNOTwiser
              OlderNOTwiser commented
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              Plattsburg...Now that's winter. Native or Air Force? I'm near Rochester and we get lake effect and it is a pain. I did a stretch in Minot, ND during my service time. When it is minus 35F without the wind it's too much for me.

            Congrats to all NYers!


              Wonder how many shops will open on 5th avenue ooohhhhh I want to take you higher Electric Avenue
              Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

              Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
              indoor/outdoor grower
              1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
              I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
              Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers



                Haha Good one SoOrbudgal
                Past Grows: Jack 47 Auto - La Bella Afrodita - Black Cream and Cheese Autos
                I like weed and science.


                  OlderNOTwiser, Minot now in Rochester? You must be a glutton for punishment. 380th Bomb Wing in Plattsburgh '71-72 back in the FB-111 Aardvark days.


                  • OlderNOTwiser
                    OlderNOTwiser commented
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                    Well, the Rochester area is home. Minot was a temporary duty. I ran arresting barriers in Germany and caught sick F-4's. The F-15 and 16 were new at the time. Damn, getting old just kinda sneaks up on you.

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