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Mold in the jar

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    Mold in the jar

    Damn it! Never had an issue with mold until today. Found mold growing on buds in two different jars of my higher grade nuggets. Thankfully it’s only 46g (1.6 oz) I’m throwing in the compost. It’s strange that it became an issue, as everything is approx 50-60% humidity in the jars, and i break-up large kolas into smaller nuggets.

    Here’s a few pics if anyone is interested.
    There are 3 things you must check everyday when growing in hydro:
    1) Water level (How much h2o is she drinking in 24hrs)
    2) pH level (change over 24hrs)
    3) ppm/EC level (How much food is she eating in 24hrs)

    Bummer! That’s a awful feeling. Especially if it’s a favorite and all you have until growing more.


    • YYCannabis
      YYCannabis commented
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      Thankfully the jars are from a plant that was a 1lb i still have 14.5oz curing from this plant, and at my consumption level leaves me approximately 13 months of supply 🙂

    • MrPNW
      MrPNW commented
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      Curious, how many grows have you done and jars filled. You say this was the first time, so I guess I’m asking the percentage of bad jars overall grows.

    Yikes. I've wondered before if this type of thing could happen. Any thoughts on the cause?
    5x5 Gorilla tent
    Spectrum King SK402 - 2× Optic XL1
    Infinity T8 exhaust fan
    Technaflora nutes
    Nectar of the Gods soil


    • YYCannabis
      YYCannabis commented
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      Only thing i can think of, is there was a few nuggets that were still too damp in the middle of a big kola. (I break up the biggies into grape size nugs when i jars them) must not have noticed when i was 16 hrs into final trimming)
      Last edited by YYCannabis; 03-09-2021, 10:33 PM.

    Generally, i have a tendency to over-dry my plants.
    There are 3 things you must check everyday when growing in hydro:
    1) Water level (How much h2o is she drinking in 24hrs)
    2) pH level (change over 24hrs)
    3) ppm/EC level (How much food is she eating in 24hrs)


    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      I just found that i had left my dang jar that i was burping open on my counter. I just harvested those 2 autos had them in individual jars half full boy they are now in 1 quart jar filled to the top.

    Sorry to hear that... do you use any kind of humidity control within the jars, like Boveda packs or something?


    • YYCannabis
      YYCannabis commented
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      The packs are designed to work slowly, like months slowly kind of slow. I don’t know how effective they are since i was still burping the jars every 2-3 days.

    • MrPNW
      MrPNW commented
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      I came across this 58% vs 62% video/article awhile back. Because I live in a highly humid area I chose 58% larger #4 size for my bulk storage and got some 62% small size for the stuff I have in small 250ml infinity jars that I readily use.
      My reasoning was keep the bulk less moist and add some moister back when ready to use.

      Choosing the right relative humidity is dependent on your preferences and where you live. In this article we help you decide which RH is right for you.

      That stuff looks like the microorganism fungi that grew in my Nature’s Living Soil. I freaked until I read the small print on the label. It was beneficial and just needed to be remixed back in.
      Did your bud ever come into contact with soil prior to drying?

    • bboyfromwayback
      bboyfromwayback commented
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      That’s what I do. 58% for the bigger jars I’m storing longer term and I have 8oz jars for daily smoke I put 62% packs in. Joints burn really smooth and slow at 62%.

    This is why I take the final to be sealed jars to 45-50% RH before the final close of the jar. Mold can grow @ or above 55% RH. I lost some in the past and dont want it to happen again, I would rather it be a tad on the dry side, I can always let it set in my humid Oklahoma air for a while and it will gain moisture.


      Sorry to hear that YYC !! Maybe the Boveda is not as good as I thought !!
      Light: Viparspectra P2000, Viparspectra P1500, Viparspectra XS2000, KingLed 1500
      Medium: organic, Fafard perlite, Fafard Urban Garden organic mix, Organic compost shrimps.
      Nutrients: Alaskan Fish, Advanced Nutrients Big Bud, Advanced Nutrients Ancient Earth, Advanced Nutrients Sensi Cal Mag Xtra
      Full auto grow
      Grow room : 8X12X10, 2 industrial fans, 1 dehumidifier, 1 Vivosun carbon filter & controller
      12 Wild Thailand Ryder from WOS


      • YYCannabis
        YYCannabis commented
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        I can’t say if the Boveda was to blame. I think i just had a couple of nuggets that were still too damp going into the jars. 😒

      There’s a very thin line between primo bud and mold. It’s even thinner now that I’m curing untrimmed. Boveda work great for long term storage once cured. I’ll toss one in and may not open or even check that jar again for months. The first month I use humidity meters and check my jars a few times a day, no boveda until cured. Here’s a chart I found on here a while back that’s a good reference.


        Howdy YYCannabis, sorry to hear about the moldy bud! I had problems with mold in the jars during my first grow. I now use the smaller eight ounce jars for curing, just in case the mold does develop, it only spoils a smaller amount of bud. I also have been keeping the curing jars in the refrigerator to help keep the mold from forming in the first place. These steps have helped out a lot as I have not lost any more bud to mold, but it does seem to take a little longer to cure, but worth the wait. I let the buds dry to a crispy, but not crumbly state and I do not use any of the humidity packs, and do not open up (burping) the jars more than once a week. Every time the jars are opened, is another chance fro the mold spores to get into the jars.
        Smoke weed,.....grow peace!


        • Rik
          Rik commented
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          DW2, can you tell me more about keeping your curing jars in the fridge to prevent mold? Is it just the lower temps, does that discourage mold growth?

        • DW2
          DW2 commented
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          Howdy Rik, The temperature (in my fridge) is around 41° to 43° F, and the low temperature is (most likely) responsible for the lack of mold growth, although, We all have had veggies and other stuff grow mold when left in the fridge too long. The lower level of moisture in the jars helps to 'curb' the mold growth as well. In the sealed environment of the jars, the bud is not subject to the higher humidity of the open stuff in the fridge.

        I discovered the same thing recently with a jar.. that I’d been smoking for a few weeks before I found it on a big nug. Having to throw out quality cured bud was a bit sore! Think it’s my own fault for wanting to keep huge nugs


          Damn what’s the best way to know if mold grew on them? Do I need a joyless loupe or is the mold visible to the naked eye? Does it smell like it shouldn’t smell? Just asking because now I want to check my buds being that I may have Jared them up early, though I open them daily. Does it make you sick right away? Or will it take time and eventually make you I’ll?


          • YYCannabis
            YYCannabis commented
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            @plreef... does it work?

          • PLreef
            PLreef commented
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            Absolutely does. It glows under the black light. I paid under $12 for it on Amazon

          • YYCannabis
            YYCannabis commented
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            Got one coming for tomorrow. Thanks for the tip PLreef.

          Hey Cali when it's really bad mold issue it smells like wet soil in my experience with mold, yes you do not want to smoke it. Never tried smoking it in abundance but did notice a very musky smell in the jar then i tossed it.
          Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

          Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
          indoor/outdoor grower
          1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
          I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
          Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


            Dang another thing I hadn’t thought about to worry about with my first grow! That is such a bummer, glad you caught it. Hopefully its not the entire batch.

            5x5x8 Gorilla Grow TentSpider Farmer SF4000AC Infinity 8” TS Fan/Carbon Filter
            1st Grow
            Started 01 Oct 2020 • Flipped 12/12, 01 Jan 2021 • Harvested 08 Mar 2021
            Black Gold organic potting soilNature’s Living SoilCompost Tea using NLS
            Pennywise (Harlequin/Jack the Ripper) 1:1 ratio, Indica dominant, medium size plant


              I’m opening all my jars, 23 in total, one at a time and pouring out all the buds for inspection. Each jar is emptied onto cooking foil, then the foil is thrown out after the buds are checked. Fresh foil is used for each jar i empty, to help reduce the chances of across contamination.
              So far I’m half way through the process and haven’t found any more mold. *fingers crossed*
              There are 3 things you must check everyday when growing in hydro:
              1) Water level (How much h2o is she drinking in 24hrs)
              2) pH level (change over 24hrs)
              3) ppm/EC level (How much food is she eating in 24hrs)


                Insanity! I’ve always kept my bought weed in my bedroom drawer, in an infinity jar (dark glass). I like my room warm in the 70s so I’m storing right. I just bought some clear glass 3L Fido jars. I will defiantly be keeping them in the boxes they came in. Sounds like mold likes light and cool temps.


                “Mold spores are tricky to eliminate. They can survive the intense heat of a lighter when smoking a hit and they don't burn off in the oven when weed is decarbed. Some molds produce mycotoxins too, which can be carcinogenic.”

                “Black lights also can help reveal mold spores in your bud. Most mold glows an eerie green when illuminated by a black light, making it easier to identify.”

                Store your bud in a cool, dry place but not in the freezer or refrigerator. It's too cold, and the exposure to moisture is potentially mold-inducing. The ideal storage temperature for your flower is just below 77 degrees Fahrenheit.”

                “Keep buds in airtight containers made of dark-colored glass. Mason jars and the like limit air and humidity exposure that could encourage mold development. Many dispensaries sell containers precisely for this purpose.”
                Last edited by MrPNW; 03-10-2021, 08:05 PM.

                5x5x8 Gorilla Grow TentSpider Farmer SF4000AC Infinity 8” TS Fan/Carbon Filter
                1st Grow
                Started 01 Oct 2020 • Flipped 12/12, 01 Jan 2021 • Harvested 08 Mar 2021
                Black Gold organic potting soilNature’s Living SoilCompost Tea using NLS
                Pennywise (Harlequin/Jack the Ripper) 1:1 ratio, Indica dominant, medium size plant


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