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Trichrome pics - How close to harvest?

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    Trichrome pics - How close to harvest?

    Hi guys! How close do you think I am to harvest based on these trichrome pics? These are Girl Scout Cookies 47 days since the flip to 12/12. This is my first harvest so please give me your advice! Thank you very much in advance
    Attached Files

    It’s a little blurry on the buds itself, but I think I see some amber here and there.
    remember it’s the Buds you need to focus on and not the sugar leaves which have plenty of amber.

    Just because people are over 50 doesn’t mean they know everything.
    You can teach a old dog new tricks - But it will still think the old ways are the “best” lol


    • echdk3
      echdk3 commented
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      Thanks! So are you saying that the sugar leaves will always have more amber than the buds, and that I should only gauge how close I am to harvest based on the buds and not on the sugar leaves?

    • CaptainWiese91
      CaptainWiese91 commented
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      When my sugar leaves are full of amber, this is the time I normally start to look at the trichomes on the buds.

    • echdk3
      echdk3 commented
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      Very helpful information, thanks for that!

    Any way you can take pics in regular light? Those blurple lights are screwing with my eyes. Like Capt said, make sure they are pics of the buds not the sugar leaves.
    5x5 Gorilla tent
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    Infinity T8 exhaust fan
    Technaflora nutes
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      Thanks for the replies. These are the best I’ve been able to capture so far, but I’ll try again.

      Does 47 days seem kind of on the early side? I was expecting more like 8-10 weeks or longer but I could be way off.

      Would it be okay for me to turn my lights off right in the middle of a 12 hour lights-on cycle in order to get some natural light photos? Doesn’t mess with my girls to have their light cycles interrupted?


      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
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        Just pull them out of the tent with the lights on.

      • echdk3
        echdk3 commented
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        Thanks SoOrbudgal but I can’t do that because I’m tied in to a scrog.

      Don’t mess with the dark cycle. Take pics during the day


      • echdk3
        echdk3 commented
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        But it should be fine if I turn my lights off during the day for a few minutes so that I can get some natural light photos? I don’t intend on disturbing the 12 hours of darkness.

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