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Possible U.S. Federal Legalization of MJ coming!

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    Possible U.S. Federal Legalization of MJ coming!

    I kept reading the news on Biden and Schumer’s (new Senate majority leader) stance on pot and it sounded promising. I just got Seedsman’s blog on this, thought I’d share.

    8 Dec 2020

    7 Jan 2021

    Oh please, please make it happen!
    The information provided on these pages is for informational purposes only and does not, and…

    5x5x8 Gorilla Grow TentSpider Farmer SF4000AC Infinity 8” TS Fan/Carbon Filter
    1st Grow
    Started 01 Oct 2020 • Flipped 12/12, 01 Jan 2021 • Harvested 08 Mar 2021
    Black Gold organic potting soilNature’s Living SoilCompost Tea using NLS
    Pennywise (Harlequin/Jack the Ripper) 1:1 ratio, Indica dominant, medium size plant

    I don't think it is going to be first on the list. With the economy and Covid needing the focus, they would be a bit silly to push cannabis to the front of the line. I do have hope and I do think odds are better now than they ever have been, but I think we might have to wait a year or so before we get some meaningful changes. Hopefully they realize the revenue potential from the taxes and they just legalize It nationally to help recover from the economic fallout and borrowing we are currently in.


    • MrPNW
      MrPNW commented
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      As you’ve stated, the one thing always pushing agendas forward, is money. Once they figure out how they to can get their fingers in the pot (haha pun works) they will legalize it just like the states. WA state is raking in the bucks and with covid and the crashed economy the taxes really help. I bet Amazon wishes they could sell pot.
      When it comes to hard times people people rarely give up their vices (rec users) and often increase use. The recreational side of things will drive it forward.

    • ChadWestport
      ChadWestport commented
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      Man, if Amazon sold pot.........

    • Puglover1
      Puglover1 commented
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      Amazon plans to sell it if/when they can. The current admin is wanting to stop private prisons, this would be a good starting point to reduce the massive amount of incarcerated people in our country. They sure have a lot on their plate, be easier if certain places would get higher vax rates. The tax on rec during the shutdown really helped legal states survive. But then we send more to the fed to support the states who take much more than they give. If we had another civil war it should be the stoner states vs the rednecks.

    It's the step in the right direction but I do not have high hopes for it.


      I think it can happen as we need the tax dollars to recover from C19, we have spent a lot of money that must be replaced, what better way to do it than take the money from the mob?
      I am looking forward to interstate business, export Oklahoma grown medical to other states and import from them, or even to and from world wide locations.
      And my biggest question is what will it do to states medical laws?


      • Anansi
        Anansi commented
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        I've had the pleasure of consuming some of Oklahoma's finest. Not sure how it made it into Arkansas, but I was appreciative.

      Common sense will eventually prevail. They are not going to pass up all that money. Entire bureaucracies are in danger of losing their jobs. It will be a long hard battle.
      Last edited by Eliot Pryor; 01-21-2021, 07:45 AM.
      Focus and relativity.


        Biden’s stance on EVERYTHING depends on what way the wind blows. Look up all the crap he’s been a part of that got people locked up for years. While you’re at it look up how many people his idiot VP put in prison for weed.


        • Xena
          Xena commented
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          I’m right there with ya on the BP @SoOrbudgal......luckily I take 3 different BP daily. 😁
          Last edited by Xena; 01-10-2021, 03:21 PM. Reason: Can’t freakin spell

        • MrPNW
          MrPNW commented
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          Maybe that’s why she’s now pushing so hard to legalize pot. Maybe regrets her past. I’ve made many mistakes in my youth without thinking it threw.

        • Puglover1
          Puglover1 commented
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          I agree MrPNW Sure glad some stuff I did 40+ years ago isn't haunting me as the world constantly evolves.

        Not jealous.....😣


          SOS SOS govt. assistance comin at a theater near you soon.
          Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

          Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
          indoor/outdoor grower
          1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
          I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
          Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


          • Xena
            Xena commented
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            I’m from the government and I’m here to help.
            The 9 scariest words. As true today as the day Ronny said em.

          Originally posted by SoOrbudgal View Post
          SOS SOS govt. assistance comin at a theater near you soon.
          literally, movie theaters be closing all over the country. Not sad though, streaming is a much better business model.


            Andrew Cuomo came to today and said he push to have adult recreational MJ in NY. CT needs to get on board!!
            5x5 Gorilla tent
            Spectrum King SK402 - 2× Optic XL1
            Infinity T8 exhaust fan
            Technaflora nutes
            Nectar of the Gods soil


            • SoOrbudgal
              SoOrbudgal commented
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              Cow Moo needs to go

            It will be worth watching to see how this plays out, and how it will affect current state laws.



              5x5x8 Gorilla Grow TentSpider Farmer SF4000AC Infinity 8” TS Fan/Carbon Filter
              1st Grow
              Started 01 Oct 2020 • Flipped 12/12, 01 Jan 2021 • Harvested 08 Mar 2021
              Black Gold organic potting soilNature’s Living SoilCompost Tea using NLS
              Pennywise (Harlequin/Jack the Ripper) 1:1 ratio, Indica dominant, medium size plant


                Nice article MrPNW but I had an epiphany moment while reading it and hearing about who they put in head of the DNC. The epiphany is that nothing will happen until right around the next election, in regards to federal legalization. I think it will be the trump card (no pun intended) to getting just a few more voters if they need a last minute push to put them over the edge. I can see legislation like banking passing, but federal legalization, I think that will be held until they need to pull it out to win favor...... which kind of sucks.


                  This scares the shit outta me.
                  if mj is legalized it will be on the same level as alcohol & tobacco. & big pharma/business will lobby for a monopoly thus reviving the outlaw homegrower.


                  • alltatup
                    alltatup commented
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                    When it's legalized everywhere, I'm still gonna grow as an outlaw. I refuse to have my green thumb regulated, administrated or licensed.

                  • TOKABIGONE
                    TOKABIGONE commented
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                    I'm right with you JDU and alltatup! And just like my guns; when they come for them, they can have them when they pry them from my COLD, DEAD FINGERS!

                  • buffalobuds
                    buffalobuds commented
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                    Thats when you get ahold of your state rep's that support cannabis to not let that happen. And dod it again and again and again..........Peace

                  I have a batch of shine brewing now, many bottles of wine, and some nice stout beers (all grain of course), weed in the grow room (and jars full), the garden is being readied.
                  There is another card in play that cant be overlooked, we need to pay back all the money (cash food meds etc.) that has been handed out during this pandemic. Weed may play a roll in the payback.


                  • SoOrbudgal
                    SoOrbudgal commented
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                    Oregon is already to increase beer and wine they have gone nuts. Buy hotels for homeless, relaxing on rents so the now squaters can live indefinetly no one can get them out. Govt does not fix anything just keeps saying BS while our own citizens lack clean water, enough affordable housing. All it seems like they want you to be dependant not independant this is the old is new WH. Worse yet to come from what i'm seeing. Half dead, demented old WH, run by sicko perverts inside and out. Blame those that have sat in there 50yrs

                  • Puglover1
                    Puglover1 commented
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                    After we pay back the trillions that the wealthy got tax breaks for that are good until 2025? If you can own your own plane you don't need a tax break for it, IMO.

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