I have ordered from AMS, Gorilla, and Nirvana. No complaints about any of them and would order for any of them again. My next order will be from True North because they have the two strains I want next.
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Seed Banks
hi rwdy. know i'm late here but i wanted to give a big seconding to both seedsman and nirvana...i know they don't have what you're looking for right now but they were both top notch experiences and i will definitely order again...as far as wanting to find a reputable seedbank and sticking w/it...i hear ya. i recently placed an order with a comparatively "small" cannapot (in austria) and i was a little worried bc i couldn't find any info good or bad on them. but i noticed that they had just become a sponsor of another site so i figured i'd risk it and see what happened. i'm really happy with them even tho my seeds may or may not be on the east coast (can't tell, tracking software problem--you know what i'm talking about...) but as far as they/cannapot was concerned, just with the taking of the order, getting back to me in a reasonable amount of time (ordered on a saturday, they shipped on wednesday--that's pretty good, i think...i guess we'll see if/when the seeds get here but with the ordering process itself, could not have been happier.... hope you find yr strain!
"i try to play the ball not the opponent."--Roger Federer