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Covid Turkey day, what are all y'all thankful for?

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    Covid Turkey day, what are all y'all thankful for?

    Living in a scary world today, maybe some folks should stop burn a fatty, and think about what they have to be thankful for.
    I have a nice dry warm home on lots of land, plenty of room to go outside and move about. With winter coming on, I only need to keep the gas on to stay warm.
    I am healthy, I dont take a handful of pills every day, or visit the Dr often.
    My kids and grand-kids are safe and healthy
    The ice box is full as is the deep freeze, and cabinets.
    The laws of land changing in our favor, we do need to regain a few freedoms!
    An assortment of firearms and a big pile of ammo.
    Survival gear if needed
    A nice supply of seeds just in case things do break down and I cant buy any for a while.
    Supplies to grow next year set in.
    Back up gen sets if needed.
    This years harvest should carry me to next years harvest. In the tween time I'll make more seed.
    I bet I can list more, but lets see what all y'all are thankful for this covid year!
    Also my plans are to set right here and stay safe, I dont eat turkey anyway, that shit is poison! Give me a big slice of that smoked pigs ass!

    I'm thankful for uh what's that Bee Gees song? Oh yeah - Staying Alive
    ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
    Mars Hydro
    Vortex in-line 6" fan


      I'm thankful at the age of 67 that I'm still living a good life and able to control my diabetes and still doing indoor growing.

      Stay safe GWE growers..!
      Light: Viparspectra P2000, Viparspectra P1500, Viparspectra XS2000, KingLed 1500
      Medium: organic, Fafard perlite, Fafard Urban Garden organic mix, Organic compost shrimps.
      Nutrients: Alaskan Fish, Advanced Nutrients Big Bud, Advanced Nutrients Ancient Earth, Advanced Nutrients Sensi Cal Mag Xtra
      Full auto grow
      Grow room : 8X12X10, 2 industrial fans, 1 dehumidifier, 1 Vivosun carbon filter & controller
      12 Wild Thailand Ryder from WOS


        I'm thankful for living rurally being able to see wild things critters big and small. Being able to be free to grow legal weed without persecutions.
        Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

        Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
        indoor/outdoor grower
        1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
        I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
        Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


          Got a lot to be thankful for, thrax or not.

          This year gave me a second chance with my youngest son after 8 years of rockiness. We are together again. They are not babies; 30 and 24. We missed a lot.
          Both boys have good jobs and they take care of me, but not too much.
          I have the life I should have had 10 years ago, but now they are old enough to day-drink, lol.
          Two days ago they thanked me for growing the weed so we don't have to buy it.
          I have two very fine humans that call me Mom. Doesn't get any better than that. That is enough.

          Also thankful for the real friends I've made here.
          Awesome folks


            Thankful to legally grow, finally. I'll have enough medicine now.
            Soil: Coast of Maine Stonington Blend, perlite; Seedlings: CoM org potting soil
            Indoor: 2 x 5.5 x 8' Closet grow
            Viparspectra XS2000; EnjoYield 220W full spectrum light added during flower
            Various size fabric grow bags
            Cal-Mag & GH Trio if needed; Flower Fuel & molasses during bloom; ReCharge
            4 clip fans. Exhaust into attic is vented to the eaves
            Current grow: DEAD FLOWERS

            "Joker, smoker & midnight toker, I sure don't want to hurt no one"


              I’m thankful for my wife, step son, and my uncle. My wife and I both have pretty large extended families and I don’t think much of any of them on either side except the three mentioned which are about the only three living people that I give a damn about.
              I love my little furry friend, she loves me no matter what.
              I’m thankful my house is paid off and now with us both being old cripples our taxes are super low.
              My health sucks but I’m thankful that I have great doctors and I’m still here kicking, at my peak I took 18 pills a day and am down to about a third of that now so I’m thankful for that.
              I’m thankful that I have enough money to do some crazy shit like buying some equipment and trying to grow weed. I’m really thankful that I’ve just chopped the first girl I’ve ever grown. I’m thankful that I found this community and the GWE main site which helped me get through my first grow.
              I’m thankful that I don’t think turkey is poison, I’ll be eating bird titties and hog ass both come Thursday.


                I'm thankful for my little family and big house in a place where I can grow legally. I'm also grateful for this weekend's harvest that came despite a few mistakes! I'll be having hog heinie on Thursday and dreaming of better days to come over a four-day weekend.
                Coconut Grove
                4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Liberty Haze, Acapulco Gold, Lavender and Sweet Amnesia Haze.

                3x3 tent, Platinum P300 LED. Flowering two Tangies.

                Flower tent:
                4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Super Lemon Haze, Durban Poison and two Tangie x Blueberry crosses.

                32"x32" tent with Feit white LED. Vegging four Mother's Finest.

                Coco/Perlite/worm castings/mycorrhizae living soil mix.
                Down-To-Earth dry amendments. Gnarly Barley added weekly. Eisenia fetida.

                On deck: Winter indicas.


                  I'm thankful for the fact that my wife and I are both healthy and happy. Hunting season is going well and we have plenty in the freezer. Wood's all stacked and and my buddy in Vermont just told me that he has a bunch of seeds, both photos and autos, to share. Looking forward to a good year.


                    I can name off a few things im thankful for. My 4 kids are happy and healthy. I have a wonderful wife that supports my growing addiction. We live in a nice home on top of a big hill with plenty of land, kids play, dogs run, plants grow. My career has taken a good up hill turn. As weird as this might sound but COVID has been good to me. Im a residential contractor and I haven't been this busy in years. Lots of people are staying home and wanting to upgrade kitchens, baths, additions and new homes all together.
                    I cant complain, I'm a happy man.
                    5x5 Gorilla tent
                    Spectrum King SK402 - 2× Optic XL1
                    Infinity T8 exhaust fan
                    Technaflora nutes
                    Nectar of the Gods soil


                      Some awesome stories to read I must say ❤️
                      we don’t celebrate thanksgiving in the cold north of Scandinavia. But I’m thankful for I made it home from Afghanistan as infantry, even though I’m diagnosed with PTSD - I’m still thankful. And for my wife who supports my sickness in ups and downs. 🙏🏻
                      Just because people are over 50 doesn’t mean they know everything.
                      You can teach a old dog new tricks - But it will still think the old ways are the “best” lol


                        I just got finished, with my morning garden visitation ritual. I am thankful that although I just went through a paradigm shift with my divorce, my life is actually more fulfilling. It was the absolute right thing to do. Of course, my luck, COVID erupted during my new home transition.
                        I am grateful for much of what I've read with all your comments. I am fortunate that I moved to a little village. The town seems to have accepted me and I volunteer with our fire department and local government.
                        I am grateful that my struggle with fitness this past year is finally settling down - I had to reconcile my concept of my aging and eventual demise with how I should not FIGHT age but make prudent reductions. My perception is that many people give up on exercise, when they feel they're too old to run/lift as far/fast/heavy as they used to. By acknowledging entropy, I can make plans as to maximizing my quality of life. Moral: Do what you can, on a regular basis and focus on what you're capable of TODAY. Don't over do.
                        I'll close with a nod to Nebula Haze and Sirius Fourside, I NEVER would have attempted to grow on my own. These two young people have done the WORLD a huge service. I continue to hope they migrate their videos to YouTube and become members of the partner program. This will allow them to receive income for their video production efforts...beyond whatever they may be earning from other sources. Maybe I'll be able to add this to my "Thankful" list next year!
                        Last edited by BR2K; 11-23-2020, 11:18 AM.
                        A his own mind - , 48" X 60" X 80" 2-in-1 Grow Tent, Flower light: Vivaspectra P2500 LED. Veg light: Mars Hydro TS600 & Mars Hydro TS1000 LED lights. Nutrients: GH Flora Trio/Calmag coco/perlite, GH PH Down or pure lemon juice, in case PH down isn't available.


                        • SoOrbudgal
                          SoOrbudgal commented
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                          That song by Adele " When we were young " makes me tear up lately. It's all do to the year we've all had know that you are never alone BR2K live is a journey not to be taken for granted we humans are not invincible and at times cannot fight this battle alone. We were stronger once both physically and mentally prior to these life events we go through. I'm 63 not the athlete i was not as fast as i use to be but i keep moving and that's what you have to do. Keep physically active as well as you can and keep your mind free to explore all that this world has.

                        I'm thankful that this fucking year is almost over.


                        • PLreef
                          PLreef commented
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                          Seriously, this year has been a bit of a shitshow to put it mildly.

                        • Farmbuck
                          Farmbuck commented
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                          Tell me about it putain de merde !! Freezing my "behind" this year.... Will miss my expat friends from the Yucatan. Ok enough of this shit I'm going in my grow room.

                        • Rwise
                          Rwise commented
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                          As years go, I have certainly seen better

                        I'm thankful that no one I know has so far caught Covid really don't want to loose the people I love. Having COPD I'm happy to have found a stack of N95 masks in the garage a couple of months after I gave what I thought was all of my stock to the kid since her employer a nursing home wasn't supplying any PPE when the virus first started. I'm thankful for my kid, neighbors and friends who all told me when the virus started and again through the summer/fall to just stay home and they would bring me anything I'd need. I'm thankful I have no major debt and a all be it a fixed monthly income that it easily covers monthly expenditures. I'm thankful that GWE's main site gave me the skills to grow more than I can ever smoke, even when their wearing a mask I can see the smile when I throw a bag at socially distant people who are looking out for me. It also came to me earlier this year I am living the life my teen self wanted I get to do what ever I want to everyday and grow weed LIFE is good.


                          GoodMorning to all , most of all I'm very thankful and greatful for all my old friends that I've met,here on GWE.over the years.
                          Especially alltatup, she helped me more than any doctor or head doctor with my PTSD, I'll always have a special place in my heart for that lady, always.
                          And to oldjarhead100, Farmall, my ole music buddy. He has changed his handle a time or two, so I hope I've got it right this time.
                          Jibblerjoe haven't heard from him in a long while, I hope he is ok, wherever he is. Excellent grower though.
                          uncledoug, all around good dude. Doubledealing72, aka Mcubed476, lol, probably one of the best growers on here, no doubt, new growers would do well to follow him.
                          PaganRich my overseas buddy, from the UK,that is a great man, and musician, always can make you laugh too, at the right time,when you need a laugh.
                          And I can't forget Spidermite great dude, where ever he is I hope he is doing ok, another great pot grower, that knows his business.
                          FunkyButtLovin for being such a good dude, that's got great seeds that he is very generous with.
                          I know I'm leaving alot of good folks out, sorry about that, not thinking real clear this morning, I wonder why,lol
                          Although I swore long ago that I would never ever go back to the VA, hospital, I did go back to them, an I'm not completely sure if I'm well now but at least I'm breathing a hellava lot better, from that horrible Covid virus, and im back at home now an I'm very thankful for the VA, the nurses told me that I was to damn mean for that virus to kill me, I hope they are right,lol
                          And to Sirius nebula for such a wonderful grow site, the best in my opinion, absolutely great folks, both of them, I just wish they would have been around with all of their knowledge 50years ago, but we eventually half-ass, figured it out way back then, really not much different than growing tomatoes, most of the troubles I see from folks on here, is they baby their plants to much, believe me, mj, can handle a little ruffness.
                          Oh I almost forgot one of my favorites Mr.furley a stand out dude that loves to help folks, an always grows beautiful plants. GWE is very lucky to have a man like MrFurley on here, he will always help new growers out, and he knows his business too.
                          Sorry for the long ramble, and I apologize for those of you I forgot to mention.
                          But I am very thankful to be breathing almost normal again this Thanksgiving.
                          I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving.
                          HappyGrowing to all

                          Last edited by D.A.A.S.69; 11-24-2020, 12:36 PM.
                          Cfls for a week or two
                          315lec for everything else
                          Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
                          36x36x63 inch tent.
                          6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
                          Smart pots


                          • D.A.A.S.69
                            D.A.A.S.69 commented
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                            Thank you SoOrbudgal for those nice words,
                            I used to Dog Cuss the VA, but not anymore, lol.
                            PaganRich very funny again, ole Mate. You are the original Maddog an Englishman, for all the youngsters that probably never heard of the album. by Joe Cocker.
                            I'm passing on the Nut juice though, something ain't tight about that, lol
                            Can't wait to see some more of your beautiful plants, mate.

                          • Redwasp
                            Redwasp commented
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                            thanks D.A.A.S.69, this is spidermite/redwasp, I'm still around just not on the boards anyone. This is the first time I've logged in for many moons. All is going well and the farm is doing great. Lots of hard work but its nice and relaxing. Thanks for listing me as one of the many good people here, although I'm really not on the board anymore some of you guys know how to contact me.

                          • Farmall
                            Farmall commented
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                            Hey bud.... thanks ! Handle change only due to login problems but Sirius fixed it so Farmall it is. Hope all is going well and you are ready for the Merry one !🎄

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