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Grow Journal Attempting Crowded Sea of Green

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    I have run a SOG in coco quite successfully. I used a 32×32 tent. 9 plants in 2 gallon fabric bags. I would grow so that I was harvesting one row every 4-5 weeks or so. Each row of 3 was a different strain. Each row of 3 would consume a gallon of feed perfectly so it was easy to accommodate different growth rates and strain needs.

    There are advantages and disadvantages though. Older plants, stretchy strains criowd out the smaller tighter ones. Keeping lights at optimum height for all plants is impossible. Tending plants in such a crowded space is challenging. And there was no upside in yields....


    • Bootsy
      Bootsy commented
      Editing a comment
      very interesting. a small perpetual crop. Hmmm!

    You've got some smoke there, mission accomplished. The leaves do look pretty beat in the pictures, that may have held back the overall yield a bit. Not all trichomes form heads, there are a few types but the technical names escape me at the moment.

    It was a learning process for everyone, I enjoyed following the progress. I've not done this technique because I need to stay within a certain plant count, but have always wondered what results I could get by doing this. I lived through you on this one


      The full harvest is bottled. tried a few puffs od each and they taste as i would expect normal harvest to taste, and very effective. like any new strain to me, the first few times are the nicest. Total harvest is 164g (just over 10g/plant, with 30 g of the best sugar trim i have had yet. I just sifted 9 g of top grade sift from it, which was amazing - and enlightening as I tried it in my Air 2 and lost a few hours. One thing I didnt expect was the speed at which they ripened. I harvested the last few before i wanted, but only because I was hoping for more growth at the end. this was dueto my nutrient screw up and the dying leaves curtailed any more waiting. Under normal conditions, the only one I would have waited for was Gelato and it was quite milky regardless. this was the first time I may have waited too long for a couple of them. They were planted as 4 or 5 inch clones on 27 sep, switched the lights on 6 Oct, and harvested the bunch by 25 Nov. which is only 8 weeks from planting I wonder if all the mistakes I made caused them to mature so quickly?. The tiny plants are super dense and i got twice the weight I guessed after trimming so i am now happy enough and excited to try this again. i got enough of 6 strains to last me a long time amd the sift = amazing to me. The rating a friend gave me is grams per square meter per month so I got 82 g/sq m/m. My last two grows with 2 and 3 plants both were close at 9 oz over almost exactly 3 months from planting - in my 1 sq meter tent. that gives 63 grams per meter per month = less than the 82 in my micro grow? so even with my screwups I got a more efficient grow? it doesnt make sense, but i am happy now regardless. I already have thing set up and already have 4 seedlings popping up that will be the mothers for next grow.
      So - I found this grow to be more entertaining with the ease of moving the little girls around, and i didnt have to worry about their height limitations at all leading to all colas being straight up. It was definitely more labour intensive, but for me a labour of love and not a production line. I dont know why they ripened so quickly, but will see if it happens again (I hope so) when i dont screw up. I used half the nutrients overall.. Since I i do not need quantity and love different strains available, I am liking the mini-sea of green for my hobby and thinking it suits me. I have access to sativas later and this may be a way that i can grow taller type plants in my little 5 ft high tent - another experiment - too bad i tarted the indicas already.
      Thanks for reading. sorry for wordiness. hope it may have helped or entertained someone.
      Final photos that my golf buddies love - one of the Afghan Hash Plants. Would you take the sTrOKE or which club would you use? cheers!
      A happy Canuk. this grow will be using Flora Flex nutrients in coco/perlite. 9 plants in 3 by 3 tent and 8 plants in 2 by 4, in 1 or 2 gallon pots (whatevere is there). manual fertigation planned. veg till around 1 ft high. 2 by 4 tent light is Bloom Plus 2500 and 3 by 3 tent has Mar Hydro Ts3000, both of which seem awesome.


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