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Making stealth strains

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    Making stealth strains

    Hello friends, I’m a new member and a curious person, I’ve heard about the mythical Ducks foot and Grinspoon strains. It’s got me wondering if anyone’s experimented in trying to create their own steal plants with abnormal bud production. If so what was the phenotype you started with, conditions, environment, and any tips you have would be great. I know ducks foot is a clone only but, there has to be some way to cause this mutation With the abnormal bud production of Grinspoon. Thanks!

    Click image for larger version

Name:	freakshowprimary.jpg
Views:	138
Size:	1.11 MB
ID:	448790The best mutation I've seen yet is freak show by Dark Heart Nursery. Legit looks like a fern.

    Mutations can be chemically induced or a product of inbredding lines to far. It's not really something you can easily make. It's like when my boss told me to make a viral video. It's like dude, I can make a video, but it going viral is out of my control, but it happens. So thats how I'll sum that up. Do check out the freekshow though!

    ... I grabbed a pic


    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      JDU I can agree on it taking less time to do traits that are common, breading freaks is not so common, not that we dont all see mutations/freaks in our grows. They for the most part dont reproduce it on a regular basis. I would like to grow Freakshow to see it, however it is only 15% THC, I wounder how the rest of its profile stacks up!?!
      And maybe I should have said generations rather than years, just shows I grow outside mostly.

    • FunkyButtLovin
      FunkyButtLovin commented
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      The lab test results I saw were 18.78% THC and 2.12% terpenes. Mostly a-Pinene, b-Pinene and Terpinolene, some Myrcene and Limonene, traces of some others.

    • JDU
      JDU commented
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      Rwise I thought of the fact you grow outdoors while I was making coffee & chuckled that we basically said the same thing- years/generations lol. Yeah mutations can be tricky. But fun.
      15% is actually not to shabby & shows that the developers took more than the mutation to heart when they isolated it. They could've let everything else fall by the wayside while concentrating on the leaves.
      Last edited by JDU; 09-16-2020, 01:40 PM.

    Thats crazy are they of 1 plant or a load of plants would of like to see the plant they came from wonder what the buds looked like


    • FunkyButtLovin
      FunkyButtLovin commented
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      Those leaves came from a few plants, the buds they produce look pretty normal.

    Some years ago I was telling a dude bit about a trip down the highway, one area I smelled our favorite smell. I was on the job no time to stop and look in the woods., on the way back both sides of the highway were lined with LEOs and going into the woods in the direction of the odor. Certainly did not stop then, later I am telling this to a dude I had just meet, he said it was his patch. But this is where it got odd, and at that time I thought he was pulling my leg. His claim was he had crossed MJ with Hops to make a MJ vine, he laughed and said they will stand in the patch with buds hanging from the surrounding trees all around them, and never find it.
    Skip ahead, its now legal here and I get online and start doing some real studies to see how far behind I am. (a long damn way). I find articles on grafting MJ, and grafting MJ to Hops, then I find articles on crossbreeding MJ to Hops. It seems one must alter the hops head so the MJ pollen can get in, and they will cross (they are cousins), and can make a MJ vine or a hops bush. Stealth would only last until its found out.


    • FunkyButtLovin
      FunkyButtLovin commented
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      There'd be a whole lotta Myrcene in that one I bet.

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