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Wind burn?

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    HYDRO Wind burn?

    Trying to diagnose this - the tops of a few plants have some leaves that are a bit droppy. Otherwise the plants seem healthy. They're in Hydro, and the EC is on the high end of the chart, so I keep worrying about nutrient excess, but this doesn't look like that to me.
    To me, it matches pictures I see of wind burn, and that makes sense since I have fans on them. I've since turned down the breeze, but I'd appreciate a second opinion.

    Howdy bonghits4buddha, If the fans are blowing directly on the leaves, it can dry them out. The leaf will feel crispy as well as curl . I use two oscillating fans so that the breeze does not blow directly on the leaves all of the time. If Your fans do not oscillate then point them towards a corner of the tent or grow space to keep them from blowing directly on the plant, but keep the air moving. another thing, would be to plaace the fans as far as You can from the plants as well. I still get some wind burn with the oscillating fans because I am limited on space and the leaves closest to the fans do dry out some.
    Smoke weed,.....grow peace!


    • DW2
      DW2 commented
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      Yes, from what I could see in the photos, it looked like wind burn. Like I mentioned before, the leaves which are the closest to the fans, will still get some wind burn, but it is a small price to pay for an overall healthy plant. Cannabis need the air to circulate around the plants. The proper breeze will help to keep away bud rot, help to maintain good transpiration, and the proper uptake of the nutrients and water during the grow,

    • bonghits4buddha
      bonghits4buddha commented
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      Thanks DWA, after a full day of being out of direct breeze, they are perking up just a little. I appreciate the advice!

    • DW2
      DW2 commented
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      bonghits4buddha, No problem, that's what We are all here for, and it's DW2, not DWA LOL!! It's like William said,"what is in a name? A bud will smoke as sweet ever if it's called poop..." or something like that. LOL!
      Last edited by DW2; 09-12-2020, 12:21 PM. Reason: correct spelling

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