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I'm not entered so it's ok

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    I'm not entered so it's ok

    ...... To share your secrets with me....
    Namely- When do y'all top yer autos?
    I've started em under cfls 2in away, high power LED 20in & in the perfect sunlight....
    Each n every run has produced a stick with 3 or 4 nodes bearing branches too small to LST at 20 days.
    How the hell do y'all git such a spread of- & so damn many colas!!!????

    Coco perilite and high frequency fertigation with quality nutrients is my guess. And what I'll be trying in winter.


      I'm growin in some bad assed soil with even badder nutes at the ready but none of that matters if those little buds at the stems dont explode & grow.... if they arent big enough to LST well then what the hell do you LST!?!?!


      • Covid420
        Covid420 commented
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        Ditch the soil. Get coco. You can maximize feeding. Seedlings 24 he light until first set of multiple leaves are established and then switch to 18/6. Cfls are garbage. Use your LED but use it for away if you dont have a dimmer. Get a lux meter to.meaure light output. 5-15k lux is good for seedlings. Use smaller containers and transplant when ready. Rapid rooters are co if you ave a tray you can take them out and look if the tap root has poked through. Once it does transplant into a seedling bag. Feed twice a day until ready for transplant. Go a little bit bigger. Feed twice a day until ready for transplant. Feed seedlings just cal mag and b vitamins. Feed plant with 2/3 sets of leaves calmag b vitamins and base nutes. Should be using a root microbes supplement as well.

        When the plant gets to 4 sets of leaves you're ready for final pot and root enzymes. Transplant and let roots establish then start training. This should all be withing 2 weeks or less

      I’d like to know myself cause I’m still trying to figure these little things out. I read a article the author was talking about mainlining autos which I can’t see being possible with the ones I’ve grown.


      Build yourself a bubble-ponics set-up. You will wonder why you ever played in the dirt.
      Focus and relativity.


      • bboyfromwayback
        bboyfromwayback commented
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        If I could go back in time I would’ve put a large sink in my grow room and give hydro a go

      bboyfromwayback Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_1961.JPG Views:	0 Size:	2.21 MB ID:	440471 Oh yeah ya can, and a couple of clones from first topping.


      • bboyfromwayback
        bboyfromwayback commented
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        I believe you can but I can’t lol all the autos I’ve grown stayed fairly small until close to 3wks then they took off

      I’d like to hear from some good auto growers too. Maybe if we ask nicely Canuck147 will put a master class for us......after he finishes his coffee.


      • Canuck147
        Canuck147 commented
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        hehehe - I have to have a puff and water my girls- then I'll chime in.

      • PLreef
        PLreef commented
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        Where's the class sign up sheet???

      This is my FBL auto NLxLS i snipped it to 4th and used the wire into the cocoloco to tie down and then add safety pins to the rim of the pot to tie down. it was meant for a 4way but i cut too early. but she turned out well just chopped her sunday
      also looked at this guys vids. crazy huge autos. and a member on here has a tutorial type thing
      Last edited by Dieselgrower; 08-25-2020, 01:50 PM.
      If you get confused....listen to the music play


      • Dieselgrower
        Dieselgrower commented
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        sorry. thats just 2 pics of 1 plant. I will say the you tube vids were great almost step by step good info

      • JDU
        JDU commented
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        I like the safety pin hack. Much better'n tiny clamps!

      • Covid420
        Covid420 commented
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        Dubxxl ?

      How do ya keep em so close to the dirt? My 1st sets of nodes are usually at least 8in high by the time I have a 4th node to top & the same between nodes.


      • Dieselgrower
        Dieselgrower commented
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        with autos Ive been soaking seeds in ph water for 24hrs. Usually they split and I go directly into the final pot. I leave room in the pot, when she sprouts i fill right up to the cotyledon , If I solo cup I bury it to them. If your lining youll be cutting the first node away anyhow

      • JDU
        JDU commented
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        Ahhhh...... Gotcha.

      I put a FBL LS and a LSxSC, plus an old-school/old-world GSC photo seed in H2o till they sank. The LSxSC was the last seed floating - valiant effort, that one. They are all resting in dirt on a seedling mat under a dome in the dining room. Where I just moved a tent from not 5 days ago.
      I'm gonna end up growing them out in my bathtub unless I get the light situation figured out. The flowering tent is not going to be on 18/6 much longer-3 weeks maybe, and I read, ahem, several tutorials
      (or maybe it was the same one over and over )
      They/It said autos do not jam to the tune of 12/12 lighting. They can jam a little, but it's not their jam. I infer that autos are the EDM-ers of the plant-world. Just stay awake and jump around 24/7, or at least get short naps - until they die. Short lifespan, presumably because they are going hard 24/7. Definitely not the Keith Richards of plants.
      It's still 2020, and the calendar says it's the dog-days, yet there are no dogs in sight, and the weatherman says no dogs are coming, either, so I am not putting another plant in my yard.
      But I might put some in my bathtub. Who is going to complain of a funky smell coming out of my bathroom vent? Who in their right mind? Lol!
      (got the giggles now...but man, I really need to figure out this lighting situation)


      • Dieselgrower
        Dieselgrower commented
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        so I had a seed not sink on time and was up playing the hokey pokey. then I started taking a plastic golf tee, the crown top type and just hold em under. 24hrs later they usually have a split I can see and into the cocoloco. just something to try if you got 1 that wont sink

      • AccidentalGardener
        AccidentalGardener commented
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        they had all sunk and split in 18hrs. Two went in a few hours. That last one took a while longer. All cracked

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