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hps lighting

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    hps lighting

    anyone ideas on how many 600watt hps i need in 4metre long 4metre wide and 2metre high room and size of any other kit fans etc thanks guys

    I’m by no means an expert but I would say 4 to cover that area. I think one per 2m x 2m should do it


      i tinking 10 now got 2 in 2.4m l 1.2m w 2m h tent i thought it cover 1x1m square it confusing what about fans 4 8inch 2 blowing cold in 2 taking hot out plus 2 8inch filters cause i think 40plants in this space what u think mate light cover 1mx1m sorry


        So you typically want 35-60 watts per sq ft. Your tent is 169 sq ft. My math says you need a min of 10 x 600w HPS for that space...That is a very large space. I would not run hps in that space. LED would be better IMO as it has less heat but make sure you go by actual wattage not equivalent. Check my math but if you plant to fill the tent that is how much i see you needing. Copied my math from notepad below so you can check. Mr.furley does this seem right to you? or am i way off...

        13x13 = 169sq ft
        169 x 35 = 5915 total watts
        169 x 60 = 10140 total watts

        5915/600 = 9.8 = 10x 600w lights
        10140/600 = 16.9 = 17x 600w lights


        • Mr.furley
          Mr.furley commented
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          Nope your right, 1 600 watt light per square meter( 3x4 is optimal) with a xxxl hood but heat starts becoming a big problem at this scale. You are going to run in to the problem of A/c hoods being discontinued as LED, Lec, and cHm are phasing them out.

        • Tersky
          Tersky commented
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          Thanks Mr.furley wasnt too sure as iv'e never grown that scale. I got my 3x3 and 2x4 which is plenty for me.

        thanks mate so anywere between 10 and 17 cant afford leds got about£130 per light to spend what is imo what else u think mate fans etc


        • Tersky
          Tersky commented
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          You may have to invest in a portable ac unit. Also make sure you vent everything out of the room the tent is in.

        not doing it in tent converting the room venting outside 4 8inch 2speed thermostate control fans


        • Tersky
          Tersky commented
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          ahh...maybe if you have ac in your house and vent outside its possible you could be ok. Ive never had that much wattage before so not sure on that.

        How are you set electrically? I’ve been retired for quite a while and the seizures have affected my memory a little but if I’m remembering right, 15 light fixtures is the max per 20 amp circuit according to code in my area and that’s based on 100watt average bulb. 10,000 watts +AC + fans +dehumidifiers/humidifiers + any other extras.....damn that’s a lot of juice. It would take close to all my circuit box to power that much safely.


          i was going to get a few of them timer towers with circuit breakers on plus them boards with sockets on cant think what called then go straight into my circuit distrebuters u in usa diffrent out there just go outside plug straight into grid put half the town in darkness haha


            Mate that sounds like a grow that could possibly cause a lot of unwanted attention....just saying.


              its out way and hidden u would have know but i agree but if u think its only 4 2metre tents for perpeptual harvest 1 for seeds 1 veg 1 flower 1 drying but way off yet need to get few grows under my belt yet


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