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Pot size and up potting autos

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    Pot size and up potting autos

    I've been doing a bunch of reading with mixed results and answers. I want to start an auto grow. Not sure on pot size. Some say 3 gallon, some say 5 or bigger. Whats your thoughts?
    Another question while I'm at it. Some have said to start autos in their final pot others says to start in a solo cup and up pot from there. Thoughts?
    I've always up potted my photos but im a newbie when it comes to autos. Any knowledge is greatly appreciated.
    5x5 Gorilla tent
    Spectrum King SK402 - 2× Optic XL1
    Infinity T8 exhaust fan
    Technaflora nutes
    Nectar of the Gods soil

    While I hardly consider myself an expert I do have a few thoughts on your questions. The pot size should be proportional to the final plant size. If you are growing very large plants then go for the five gallon. I usually grow smaller plants, thirty six inches or less and use three gallon pots with no problem. If you are doing an indoor grow, smaller pots (and plants) are easier to work with. In terms of how you start your plants, opinions are like belly buttons, everyone has one. Do what you are most comfortable with. Autos are not so dissimilar as to need any really different technique.
    Current Grow: 1 GG4, 2 Hot Cakes, 1 Sweet Gelato Autos
    3 gallon cloth pots
    30"x30"x60" tent
    Spider Farmer SE3000
    Coco Pearlite mix
    GH Trio, Silica, Cal-Mag


      The reason I was told to put auto plants in their final pot is because if the tap root is harmed at all it would likely kill it, i know for sure on photo plants that would be a myth, not sure how true it holds for autos. I've got an auto in roughly a half gallon bucket that was originally a dishwasher pod bucket, and I've got two in one 5 gallon bucket, the 5 gallon girls are taller for sure, but the half gallon girl is way thicker despite being shorter, and I think she will yield close to what both 5 gallon girls will. Call me strange, but to me the autos are something to play with while I get more serious about my photos, the quality seems to be there for autos, but quantity in comparison falls way behind a photo girl.


        I use 2 gallon geopots for my autoflowers. Reasoning being - i can control their height better and their easier to move around after watering.

        In my experience once your seedlings pop out of the soil - they are now growing their roots. Once up i water to runoff so the seedling know how big their home is. Not much vertical growth for the next week or so- cuz they are filling their home with roots. By then they need another watering - this time with full strength nutrients. Then they start their vertical growth. After 20 or 30 days pistils begin shooting up and the plant now directs its energy to producing flowers. Now if one were to transplant at this stage - it would confuse the plant cuz now it has a bigger home to spread out its roots when it was directing its energy to making flowers. Could stunt it - if you make it mad enough.

        So I always place my germinated seed into its final pot.

        I tried a 7 gallon pot once - outside - after sitting and spreading her roots for 25 days - she began her vertical growth while shooting up pistils at the same time. Never grew as big as I had hoped.

        ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
        Mars Hydro
        Vortex in-line 6" fan


          Thanks for the input guys. I have 5 gallon fabric pots that I thought I'd try with my auto seeds.
          5x5 Gorilla tent
          Spectrum King SK402 - 2× Optic XL1
          Infinity T8 exhaust fan
          Technaflora nutes
          Nectar of the Gods soil


          • SoOrbudgal
            SoOrbudgal commented
            Editing a comment
            It all depends on how confident you feel about transplanting. I've done auto transplant from a solo cup to 3gal or 5gal i'm pretty dang good at it and it ain't rocket science you just gotta be careful & gentle of roots that's all i gotta say.

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