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Thinking of going all COCO mix with Natures Living Super Soil Organic Concentrate

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    Thinking of going all COCO mix with Natures Living Super Soil Organic Concentrate

    First time grower
    anybody familar with this set up or got tips on how i can make this happen hell if someone is willing to be a mentor id appreciate that but answer is what i came for and advice. im using the e720 grower choice led light 5x5 gorilla tent 5 to 7 gallon smart pots

    if it is your first grow i would start in normal soil with flora nutes trio 3 bottles that what i use i doing first grow now i would keep it as simple as possible it not as easy as u think i read loads of stuff there nothing like hands on u will probably run into problems that are diffrent things adding to one big one and what u are wanting to start with u have to keep soil alive plus plant get a few grows under your belt that what i doing i nearly lost mine twice hope this helps


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