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Disabled, senior female noob > LEDs. Have many questions, made mistakes, need advice

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  • Puglover1
    Help? I remember seeing these and can't remember the name, the new 'tips' growing on the tops of mature buds, but my mind remembers it as a negative. I'll read if somebody reminds me what it's called. Also, the plant photo below is 10 days old. I had cut a low, weaker branch when I topped the plants and defoliated, it's in front, there's a flowering bud that grew above it. Do I leave that in reveg? (the zip tie had a purpose previously, I just left it there) My P-T appt got changed to Friday afternoon, I probably can't chop and scissor until Saturday now. Trying to figure where to work where I can keep an eye on the pugs but the canna-cat can't enter. And I wish I had a trim bin. Thanks SoOrbudgal the bud color looks awesome in person, every time I look more purple/blue. I'd be nice if I could farm out the pets and work on this all weekend as I feel like it. The plant in the R corner has more potential for reveg, IMO. They've been in these pots for soo long. Thanks for the photos Poppa

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  • Poppa
    Went back to see if I had pics of my reveg's these are all I could find. The first 2 are of the White Rhino well into it's reveg. 3 and 4 are of the Somango XXL reveg and probably the earliest pictures I have of the reveg's I have done. 5 and 6 are of the White Widow reveg that I elected to only keep one of and the later lost to stem rot. In these pictures you can see the small airy buds I left as green growth for the reveg process. Hope this helps you.

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  • SoOrbudgal
    commented on 's reply
    If you want to re grow the plants leave green growth on the stalks and branches. Just leave as many branches with green growth little stems as you can. Keep them under veg light at a seedling distance. Take the ripest of the plant off, leave the rest to mature. Just leave a skeleton of the plant with green growth to revegg. Good luck you can do this and great looking buds sister

  • Puglover1
    I haven't forgotten you Mr.furley My past week or so has been like a sitcom reality show. I've kept us all alive w/ltd injuries, none to the girls. My pH meter went whack on the last watering, I scrambled & used my dog's 10-parameter urinalysis strips, comparing shades of orange under burple lights. I was supporting lower growth when the lights went out so I got a few bud pics. They look OK, still no amber trichs but the purple I was expecting is coming around. I have to calibrate a new, better meter tmrw and water them, planning to chop top parts Friday/weekend. I have to re-read some things but I have a few questions. 1. Because I want to reveg this strain, since I missed getting clones, does that affect how I start chopping these monsters? 2. I bought a digital hygrometer - the IV - I checked the temp w/my HVAC thermostat readings, figured I'd check the RH w/my closet analog hygrometer but I'm not sure where to place it, in My closet set up, to check the RH? Or, how else do you check it? 3. I know I'm not doing 3 whole plants at once but wondering, however I chop, if I should do the oldest plant first or the tallest big colas first, regardless of the plant? How would not hanging everything on the same day affect the drying process (in the attached bathroom)? I might have help but I only rely on myself, there are many leaves.

    Thank you for your guidance and sharing your wisdom, there will be more questions.
    Last edited by Puglover1; 11-17-2020, 02:04 AM.

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  • Mr.furley
    commented on 's reply
    Ps. These pictures loaded just fine, centered in the screen.

  • Mr.furley
    commented on 's reply
    Congratulations Puglover1 you have reached the harvest window! At this point I would not sweet anymore nutes only pHed water and if you want molasses, you can start thinking about harvesting your plants at this point but as we like to say here on the Forum another week's not going to hurt. My suggestion would be to harvest the top half of the plants next week and let the bottoms go for another two weeks after that to ripen up for lower could even drop the lights down to that 16" spacing.

    Great job on getting those monster plant to harvest, it was a pleasure watching you bring these plants to a successful end.

  • Puglover1
    It's 9 full weeks since the 12/12 flip. Still not seeing any amber trichs, top/older leaves are looking rough as are some others. Last week I used Recharge with lower-strength GH Trio nutes, CalMag, Flower Fuel and the pH has been between 6-7, staying more around 6.5/6. The next watering was mostly CalMag, Flower Fuel and pH'd water, trying to determine if nutes, heat or lights. Unless my gauge is off the temp hangs around or just under 70F, similar to the rest of my house. I made 3 rows of twine to hang yoyos to separate the plants, support the colas, give light & support to some newly-discovered treasures and more light to the middles of the plants. The tallest colas aren't directly under the panels, the closest distance is 15". The middle plant is older and ahead of the other two. Photos are yesterday before watering, they don't look any worse today. I felt a couple colas, they feel firm just hoping they get fatter. Wide open for advice here. Thanks.

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  • growell
    Pics with the most brown pistrils arent far off but the ones with more white ones are further what i would is wait till u see 90% cloudy on buds check allover plant then flush for 2 weeks mate

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  • Poppa
    commented on 's reply
    I had no problem viewing them I did have problems with someones pics 2 times in last month but backed all the way out of the post read a different post then went back and was able to view those.

  • Puglover1
    commented on 's reply
    Hi Mr.furley. That 1st photo does look like a lot of clear trichs. I use Chrome browser and I have to edit many of my photos for size to post on here, I use Wins10 photos app. I should reset my phone's photo size to make life easier. I need to get the USB endoscope loaded on my laptop and find a place so that I can photograph or video what I see this weekend. I had problems with some other folks' photos on here a little while back. I'll wait to flush, thanks!

  • Mr.furley
    commented on 's reply

    I'm have a hard time viewing your pictures, it's a problem with my phone of the website but they do not center on my screen. It's not just you, it happens with a couple other posters but not the majority of other posters, I think it maybe the platform you load from.

    I could get one picture to side up to the screen and was able to click on the picture to view it, that is the only way I can see yours and the couple others that do it and from the first picture you look to have around two week so I wouldn't flush just yet.

  • Puglover1
    I was tending the Maggies, played them some Spotify stoner tunes, and smoked a joint of their kin. I couldn't open the molasses bottle, and the lights went out early, (must be the time change from Sunday) but I got some quick photos. I stood on my tip toes to get pics of the tops of bigger buds. The middle plant is a week or more older than the other two. It looks like more pistils have darkened and curled in from two days ago and many buds look pretty cloudy but some have more clear trichs. I used the USB endoscope but I haven't loaded it onto my laptop yet. Took snaps but they didn't save anywhere on my phone. I've enlarged these on my phone and via Windows 10 Photos app to view. Is it too early to flush?? And/or should I start flushing the middle plant first since it was started earlier? I like this strain for sleep and its usually high THC%. The dispo pre-roll I smoked was 29.578% THC-A, total THC 30.875; no CBD or CBD-A, if that matters. I could really use advice/opinions about if I should start flushing. TYVM.
    Last edited by Puglover1; 11-04-2020, 12:52 AM.

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  • growell
    Ye they keep darkening and trichs keep geþing cloudy then amber if your bud trics arent cloudy wait a little before start to flush it doesnt matter about sugar leaves check all the bud sites when 90 %cloudy then flush your molasses is good to use

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  • Puglover1
    Me again. The girls are waiting for watering, I've been reading. I think they're ready to start flushing ? Today is week 9 since flipping 12/12. In 2016 the dispo said it was a 60 day strain. Will the trichs continue to get cloudier or some amber and the % of pistils continue to darken during the 1-2 week flush? These pics are from 2 days ago, when I go back to water I'll take new ones. When I enlarge the photos on my phone the sugar leaf trichs are cloudy, the buds not so much. The lower larfs are more ready-looking, it's hard to get close to the big buds in back for photos. I used my USB endoscope two days ago but w/phone so no photos to show. I knew I had molasses here I just didn't know how old it is: it has a UPC but no ingredient list. It's Brer Rabbit All Natural Light Molasses. Should I just use pH'd water until I get the right molasses? I have no idea if this is sulphered. There's a photo. Oh, should I be defoliating more at this point? TY. Edit: Every time the furnace runs my house smells delicious.

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  • Puglover1
    commented on 's reply
    Thanks, but I just followed the advise of all you wonderful members here. My first real grow. I started an illegal in the same closet over 20 yrs ago, 13 assorted saved bag seeds, 12 girls. I had to abandon it so I've never watched the flowering process to fruition before. I'd see those white budlets and wonder 'how do they turn into the weed I've been smoking for over 45 years', heh. If not for Mr.furley my colas would be in the attic by now. These plants have been in those pots for just over 4 months, I think some water & molasses won't hurt. The beans were dropped several days apart, the middle plant could probably get chopped first, it really took off after germinating first. That bedroom has an attached bathroom, I could put clothes hangers on the shower curtain rod and close the door, the room already has blackout curtains. I need another hygrometer. Maybe a 21st century model. LoL

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