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What are these bugs?

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    HELP! What are these bugs?

    If it's not one thing it's another lol. I went to water my plants tonight and one of the saucers had a ton of these little grey bugs in it. Does anybody know what these are and the best way to treat for them? I have a ton of food grade diatomaceous earth on hand so I'll apply that to the soil, and probably the saucer once it's dry. I took like 40 pictures, but these were the only ones that came out clear enough at all :/.

    I couldn't find any in the soil or any litle larvae of any sort wriggling around (though that doesn't mean they aren't there). There was like 1 in the saucer for the next closest plant, and the other two pots/saucers in the tent had none.

    These look too heavy bodied to me to be fungus gnats but I could very well be wrong. (We had a bad fungus gnat infestation due before we planted that we got cleared up)

    Thanks in advance!
    Attached Files

    Hard to see in the pics, just a guess, winged ants, if thats what they are there would be a lot of them.


      Looks like fungus gnats larvae
      Just because people are over 50 doesn’t mean they know everything.
      You can teach a old dog new tricks - But it will still think the old ways are the “best” lol


        Are you outdoor or indoor?
        Vegging 4 aurora indica, waiting on seeds. Got eyes on a 4x8x8 tent.
        sp150x2 philz330 and Philz 100x2
        4 plants currently under 500w
        2 x opulent systems 4x4x80 tents and a 24x40x48 baby box.
        GH full line of nutes+calmag and my molasses sugar brown sugar liquid mix at 30ml per liter.
        Happy growing/consuming 🥴
        Space is at a premium when you're growing premium in space 😁


          Can you grab some clear tape and drop it on top of one? Then put your jewelers loupe on it and take a pic so we can help identify it?


          • TofuFlavoredSpam
            TofuFlavoredSpam commented
            Editing a comment
            Oh thats a smart way to do it, good call. Can do.

          Well despite there having been a ton of them before, since I washed them out the other night there haven't been any, so problem managed, if not solved.

          Definitely not winged ants (body isegments are far ​to non-distinct), and they're not gnat larvae, they were in hard plastic, plus they had wings and weren't larval.

          I'll just keep my eyes peeled for now in case they come back I suppose.


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