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Weed leaf really tiny and curling. + weed leaves too yellowish???

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    HELP! Weed leaf really tiny and curling. + weed leaves too yellowish???

    Hi. This morning when i went out to check the weed plants (2) weeks old i saw that 1 of the plants had a really curled up almost shrinkly leaf. What could this be?? It was the first time in 1 week that i let them outside for the entire night (normally entire day and during night indoor because it was too cold during the nights). Also i believe my weed leaves are a little bit too yellow, could this be the case? And if yes what is the problem.

    I grow outside autoflower (3 different strains, from smalles to biggest on pictures 1,Northern light auto, 2 Royal gorilla auto 3, jack herer auto) i use potmix + perlite and no feeding (is green little balls in my potmix when i bought it (some kind of nutrient))

    What type of soil is this ??
    do you have leca or perlite in the soil ? About 30-40 % ?
    It shouldn’t be the sun. I have all my seedlings outside all day, and they are 2-4 days old, also from RQS.

    asking about the soil because it looks like they can’t breathe?
    and maybe they miss some nitrogen actually.
    what about drainage in the pot? Lots of holes in the bottom?
    Just because people are over 50 doesn’t mean they know everything.
    You can teach a old dog new tricks - But it will still think the old ways are the “best” lol


      I can not check the soil now but ill tell you tomorrow. It is perlite and about 30%. There are like 4 big holes on the undersides.


      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
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        Hello and welcome to GWE forum firegosse. You say there was some tiny green balls in the soil mix? I'm sure that's some sort of nute you'd know if you saved the bag it came in. Anyhow it looks yellow but not bad. I'm no expert with growing autos outdoors I just did a couple last summer but I grow photos primarily outdoor and in.

        You need to know not to over water and autos love warmth but are tough do to the genetic makeup. They like most weed love light and not too much fert early on. Having said that i'm thinking to me it was either to much bright strong sunlight not a gradual introduction perhaps and this is just a " finicky" seedling and needs abit more care. Even though it's got holes in the very bottom of the plastic pot it still needs other holes for air to circulate and water to drain quickly. Don't want hot sun cooking the soil and heating the roots. Anyhow....just baby it a bit longer till she digs her roots in.

      • CaptainWiese91
        CaptainWiese91 commented
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        I have a hard time thinking its the sun, its a another problem.
        My autos start and come up right in the sun in 25-30 Celsius, no problem at all. Even the same breeder as he uses.

      • firegosse
        firegosse commented
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        SoOrbudgal i checked and the bag says, 1kg 14-16-18 NPK per m3 and 1kg 18-11-10 NPK surrounded by synthetic wax (the little green balls).

      The soil is my main concern and the water routine
      Just because people are over 50 doesn’t mean they know everything.
      You can teach a old dog new tricks - But it will still think the old ways are the “best” lol


      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
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        Guess will wait and see on what is the cure eh CaptainWiese91 he's a new grower.

      • CaptainWiese91
        CaptainWiese91 commented
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        SoOrbudgal I know he is a new grower. I’m just pointing out that the sun isn’t the problem.
        First he must check the PH in the soil and water feeding, else it doesn’t matter what kind of nutrients is in the soil.
        But the sun can’t be the problem for sure.
        I if you look again at the picture- the leaves are healthy- light green is, but it’s not drooping fx.
        It stands straight also.
        The soil of what kind is important - according to what nutrients is filled in the bag, and how many % is NPK of that bag. And therefore I’m thinking it the PH is wrong even at this stage it will lockout out nutrients. And of course good drainage for the oxygen, but then it would be drooping

      Well CaptainWiese91 everyone is entitled to their thoughts and opinions I gave it my thoughts. But it's obvious by your superior grow skills ( got any pics ) and great knowledge that your guessing is as good as mine. So what if it's the same breeder could be just a funky auto that needs extra help. No two plants are the same or rarely.
      Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

      Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
      indoor/outdoor grower
      1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
      I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
      Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


      • Jordann
        Jordann commented
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        Somehow i see 2164 is a bigger number than 222. And Just by what you've seen on this forum in your last 4 years here compared to what's been seen in may..just my 2 cents
        Last edited by Jordann; 05-18-2020, 08:30 PM.

      • CaptainWiese91
        CaptainWiese91 commented
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        I’m sorry I haven’t found the forum before may 2020. So It’s hard my post count isn’t Higher at all. Of course you are entitled to your own thoughts, and I’m really sorry I offended you that much. This was not my intention. I just gave you my 2 cents on what I think the problem is, as I’m entitled to my own thoughts also. I’m sorry you didn’t like the discussion here, somehow I think it’s healthy. But I guess not.
        “Superior grow skills” ? I should be offended here with what? sarcasm but I’m not. And my great knowledge, I really stepped on your toe here. Damn seems like you only have the right here to have an opinion if it’s the same and you are not discussing with an “master grower”
        Again really sorry I offended you with my own thoughts in this problem solving where it’s normal to discuss what the problem is.You still write you are guessing.. right ? Have a wonderful day after all, with some happiness, you deserve it.
        Jordann I didn’t start growing in may just because I started in this forum in May. I think I’ve seen my share of people - you don’t know the background, you only se my post counts - which I think is hilarious- just my own thoughts which I’m clearly entitled too.
        Last edited by CaptainWiese91; 05-19-2020, 01:55 AM.

      • CaptainWiese91
        CaptainWiese91 commented
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        SoOrbudgal and yes I have pictures. But i threw them up on my instagram
        Last edited by CaptainWiese91; 05-19-2020, 03:40 AM.

      Outdoors plants is all auto. The seedlings you see is 2 days old. And they are in the sun 12 hours from the very start they come up from the soil.
      SoOrbudgal. This is what I have right now, if you want to see more go to instagram. But don’t say people don’t have experience or is second guessing because they don’t post any pictures of their grow. Have a nice day😘
      Last edited by CaptainWiese91; 05-19-2020, 03:48 AM.
      Just because people are over 50 doesn’t mean they know everything.
      You can teach a old dog new tricks - But it will still think the old ways are the “best” lol


        I checked again today and it looks like the plants got worse (1 of them) the other 2 are doing fine i believe. Check pictures. So what is this curly stuff?????


        • CaptainWiese91
          CaptainWiese91 commented
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          The soil is too wet for the little seedling can breath in it.
          Try and let it dry out in the couple or next days.
          Do you have a spray bottle in hand ? They are very useful just to spray around the little plant - until it gets big enough for you can water the whole pot.

        • firegosse
          firegosse commented
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          Could be but the other 2 plants are doing fine with same amounts of water.

        • CaptainWiese91
          CaptainWiese91 commented
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          You cant always go with that.
          I have 5 of the same strain in the tent - they all don’t need the same care or treatment.
          I have 16 plants outside - 7 of them is the same strain - But don’t need the same care or water feeding fix.

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