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    SOIL Transplanting

    My plant is about 3 1/2 weeks old. It has developed it's 3 bladed set of leaves, 5, and now 7 are coming. I plan to transplant to a 15 gallon finishing container and am wondering if I can transplant now or if and why I should wait a while longer
    Have some fun. 😌

    8 x 8 x 5 Camping Tent
    300W full-spectrum light

    Locally Sold Soil (0.04- 0.01 - 0.01)

    Humboldts Secret Calmag & Iron (2-0-0)
    FlowerFuel (0-34-32)​

    What size container is it in now and how long has it been there?


      It's a bit bigger than a solo cup. It has been in there since germination, roughly 3 - 4 weeks.
      Have some fun. 😌

      8 x 8 x 5 Camping Tent
      300W full-spectrum light

      Locally Sold Soil (0.04- 0.01 - 0.01)

      Humboldts Secret Calmag & Iron (2-0-0)
      FlowerFuel (0-34-32)​


        You can go either way, now or wait, the rule of thumb is when the leaves grow over the side of the pot, it is time for a bigger pot.


          It’s definitely ready for a bigger pot, I only leave sprouts in a cup 10-14 days, that’s about how it takes for a healthy sprout’s roots to start growing through the holes in the bottom. I’d move it into a 1 gallon pot for 4wks then to a 3-5 gallon pot for a few wks before moving into the 15 gallon container. You could go straight to the 15 gallon but you’ll need to be very careful not to overwater that way and the growth will be pretty slow at first. 15 gallon pots are huge, unless you’re moving it outside you won’t need that big of a pot. Indoors I go from a cup to a 1 gallon then finish in a 7 gallon pot.


            Thanks for the advice guys. I just transplanted and the roots were just about the hit the sides. It came out smoothly and went in without a fuss. Glad I didn't wait any longer.
            Have some fun. 😌

            8 x 8 x 5 Camping Tent
            300W full-spectrum light

            Locally Sold Soil (0.04- 0.01 - 0.01)

            Humboldts Secret Calmag & Iron (2-0-0)
            FlowerFuel (0-34-32)​


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