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Is my runoff ppm too high?

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    Going to make myself a cup of herbal tea. Leaves are baking in the oven. 👌🏻
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    • CaptainWiese91
      CaptainWiese91 commented
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      Luckily I have a lemon tree and a lime tree in my garden 🤣👍🏻 I can send you one ?😅. (Joke on the side)

    • Itsasecret
      Itsasecret commented
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      Just throw one in the sea for me please. It will make it across the pond. 😂

    • CaptainWiese91
      CaptainWiese91 commented
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      If it Can get around all the shot plastic in the pond 🤦🏼😂

    Not long now. 😋
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    • CaptainWiese91
      CaptainWiese91 commented
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      Looks really good!! Enjoy my brother🤩👍🏻

    I wanted to order some reflectors for my cfl’s today (after Greenlivin suggesting to me the other day that I should get some)... I didn’t feel like waiting 7-14 days for my order to be processed before it was even shipped out to me. I could do with them sooner than that really.
    I have managed to find all the bits in my workshop that I need, so now I can make my own. An old sheet of aluminium, a piece of plywood and various other bits and bobs. Only spent a couple of hours on them so far, starting to take shape already though. I’ll post some more pics tomorrow, when they’re finished. 👍🏻
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    • Greenlivin
      Greenlivin commented
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      Those look better than what you can buy! Nice job. You’ll plants will love it.

    • Itsasecret
      Itsasecret commented
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      Thanks for your kind words and for suggesting that I get myself some. I’m looking forward to getting home after work and finishing them off. Going to give them a bit of a polish too! Quite proud with how they’re looking so far. Hopefully it will help send the light down onto my plants and not into my eyes like it does at the moment. Seriously thinking of having to wear sunglasses when I look in my tent..keep getting partial blindness and mild headaches. 😄

    Mission accomplished! Quite happy with how these turned out and I reckon my plants will be happy with them too.
    Did a little bit more defoliating today to help the extra light get to work. Tent is starting to fill nicely at the back, going to let them stretch a bit now. 😁 Click image for larger version

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ID:	404602
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    • Itsasecret
      Itsasecret commented
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      On day 32 now, almost half way there (70 days seed to harvest, apparently).

    • Greenlivin
      Greenlivin commented
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      you’re rockin and rollin now!
      Last edited by Greenlivin; 05-14-2020, 05:32 PM.

    • Itsasecret
      Itsasecret commented
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      I’m sure they said “thanks” to me today when I stuck my head in the tent? 🤷🏼‍♂️

    bboyfromwayback lol at your comments about overthinking shit. I learned how to grow weed reading GWE but like you said it seemed like it’s always something ph this ph that runoff ppms wtf. Finally I found a very simple soil mix with not many amendments in fact it’s the least I’ve found in any soil mix so I love it and my plants love it. Best bud and best looking color since I left all the extras alone. I asked for this soil recipe to get put up on sticky for newbies but was ignored. In my opinion this is the way to truly Grow Weed Easy. The super soil tutorial on GWE usually just scares people off like it did me and some of the amendments are not good. Plus there are so many lol. Oh and haven’t checked ph in over a year still plants never looked better. Talk about KISS.


      Itsasecret plants look great. It’s not so hard after all.


      • Itsasecret
        Itsasecret commented
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        Thanks Cali. The hard part it trying not to read too much info! Definitely feels like I did way too much research. Different people say different things, makes it confusing and rather daunting.
        I realise now that less is more, keeping it simple is the way to go. It’s a lot less stressful for me and my plants. I really need a smoke, that’ll sort my busy brain out. This is the longest tolerance break ever! 😬

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