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Determining sex by preflower (pics included)

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    Determining sex by preflower (pics included)

    Hi I am growing some hybrid seeds I created sometime ago. I don't have experience sexing the new plants. I've read, seen pics, and downloaded a magnifier. I think I am looking at a female preflower, but could use some outside help verifying this.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	preflower.jpg
Views:	402
Size:	423.3 KB
ID:	401025

    Pic is not great, cant tell. I use a jewelers loop to view preflowers. Works great.


      Thank you for the response,
      I'll check with the loop. its hard for me to keep my hands and eyes still/focused... how long will they continue to pre-flower? or do they do that up until maturity? plants are about 4-5 weeks.


        Is your light sched 18/6 or 16/8 or ? If you're checking them every day, you'll see the females' pistils come out (white hairs) of the preflower. You'll then be able to catch the males before they spew pollen.


          They are 24hr currently. moving them outside in a day or so (avoiding last freeze) ... the light cycle will cut down to about 16 hrs at that point... sunrises 6:10, sets 8:15... will that make them show faster when the light cycle shortens?


          • Scooter
            Scooter commented
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            Chances are significant they will not show in 24 light. Not being an expert I would say 100% chance of no flower either male or female. Plants need dark to start the flower period.

          I think my photo is better this time. Sadly , I feel i am looking at a male, can someone with more experience confirm or tell me to wait till I see the little stem? Any chances its a female or has the day come to let this one go?


            Looks female. A leaf cuts right across where I need to see. I never heard of a male auto.
            Focus and relativity.


              Its not an auto-flower seed. I made these seeds one year when I got a male Mr. Nice. I let it pollinate as it wanted my three other strains... so I figure they are regular hybrid seeds with a 50/50 chance of male or female? I am a novice in the seed/sexing department. Am I looking at the right thing as the preflower? (new photo with arrow) ... its better to learn than just be told in my book. What made you think its a female? Thank you. I'll try for a better picture tomorrow. Everyone is outside in the real sun now Cheers and thank you again for the reply


              • Eliot Pryor
                Eliot Pryor commented
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                Maybe ? Give it a few days then you will know for sure. I still guess female. 50/50 chance.

              Let me know what sex it is. Because I’m guessing the the opposite actually, but I’m no plant “doctor” I really hope you have a female👍🏻
              Just because people are over 50 doesn’t mean they know everything.
              You can teach a old dog new tricks - But it will still think the old ways are the “best” lol


                Thanks, I will probably double check today now that you said that. I have another pic below - different plant. I think I photographed the pistil on the preflower - definitely a girl? any confirmations would be great.
                Attached Files


                  Another question, I've seen this on a few plants. No obvious white pistil like above, but tear drop shape... is it a female preflower or is that just new stem growth?
                  Attached Files


                  • CaptainWiese91
                    CaptainWiese91 commented
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                    They look like pre flowers to me. On this picture.

                  this one is more tear drop, but no pistil. still feeling its a female... (two pics, same plant) ... thank you for following, I'm learning a ton!
                  Attached Files


                    I'm guessing male! It's a little pudgy and female preflowers are more slender.


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