Hi, first time grower, first question.
Im growing 1 White Widow auto, I started outside in a small pot, after 26 days I moved to a 3 gallon pot, then after 40 day’s from germination l moved indoors under a cheap LED. To me the plant is growing and quite healthy looking. After 65 days I bought a Mars Hydro TS600 LED, and put it under that.
i have read that the White Widow auto should be ready to harvest around 75 days. Mine is now 67 days since germination, My grow space is 2ft 6 inches x 2ft 6 inches. I will add a couple of photos for someone to tell me does it look okay. I think it is just going into pre-flower, but am unsure if it’s a male or female.
very new to growing and would like other opinions

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Im growing 1 White Widow auto, I started outside in a small pot, after 26 days I moved to a 3 gallon pot, then after 40 day’s from germination l moved indoors under a cheap LED. To me the plant is growing and quite healthy looking. After 65 days I bought a Mars Hydro TS600 LED, and put it under that.
i have read that the White Widow auto should be ready to harvest around 75 days. Mine is now 67 days since germination, My grow space is 2ft 6 inches x 2ft 6 inches. I will add a couple of photos for someone to tell me does it look okay. I think it is just going into pre-flower, but am unsure if it’s a male or female.
very new to growing and would like other opinions

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