Hey there GrowWeedEasy Comm!
I received this little cuts from a Friend that purchased some clones and did not take enough care of em’.
They were in a transparent/white cup so I moved them to this recipients to avoid Light to mess with the roots.
They are really tiny, I want to know what can I do to safe them.
I’ve been placing them on a 20-4 light/darkness hours period but they are still tiny.
I have Alga Grow(Plagron), Root 66(technaflora), Magical(technaflora) and Thrive Alive b1red (technaflora) that I think I can vert on them and planing to do this on a 6.3 to 6.7 PH really great quality water.
I just want to know they are still in the “can be saved and grown Category” because they have been with my friend for a month.
And receive any trick to make sure they will grow as they were meant to.
I appreciate any advise or tip in advance.
Swords Dace
I received this little cuts from a Friend that purchased some clones and did not take enough care of em’.
They were in a transparent/white cup so I moved them to this recipients to avoid Light to mess with the roots.
They are really tiny, I want to know what can I do to safe them.
I’ve been placing them on a 20-4 light/darkness hours period but they are still tiny.
I have Alga Grow(Plagron), Root 66(technaflora), Magical(technaflora) and Thrive Alive b1red (technaflora) that I think I can vert on them and planing to do this on a 6.3 to 6.7 PH really great quality water.
I just want to know they are still in the “can be saved and grown Category” because they have been with my friend for a month.
And receive any trick to make sure they will grow as they were meant to.
I appreciate any advise or tip in advance.
Swords Dace