Is there a good wifi climate monitoring device with co2 measurement that can check wen somewhere else on my phone. For a 2x4 tent soil with sf2000. And are the exhale co2 bags good. Is it more sensible then spending 500 on a co2 regulating system.
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Climate monitoring and co2
I've got no known increase from the bags and the CO2 system can kill us if we're not careful. There's usually plenty of CO2 in the air or the house you're in. I've seen some smart devices on Amazon but don't need to spend that money. I know what my tent will be at rh and temp from running it for a time. rh up after watering, water when it gets back down around 30. Exhaust and intake gets figured out with time so it can be left alone for a few days depending on water usage. Just keep at er. I've realized you don't have to throw too much money at a plant to get it to produce, unless your looking at going all out. That light is perfect for your tent. Hope this helps and welcome to the forum. Lots of great people here to help with anything.Vegging 4 aurora indica, waiting on seeds. Got eyes on a 4x8x8 tent.
sp150x2 philz330 and Philz 100x2
4 plants currently under 500w
2 x opulent systems 4x4x80 tents and a 24x40x48 baby box.
GH full line of nutes+calmag and my molasses sugar brown sugar liquid mix at 30ml per liter.
Happy growing/consuming 🥴
Space is at a premium when you're growing premium in space 😁