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The showdwon

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    I'm unsure which plant strain i'm going to show yet do to the reveg stage they are in but I throw 1-2 in there for the heck and fun of it. I sure hope my plants finish by Oct. but don't we all. Last fall was a real loss for lots of folks in PNW
    Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

    Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
    indoor/outdoor grower
    1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
    I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
    Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      Bud gal I picked my seeds for the woods grow by their yield and time growing I only used strains that are done in 8 weeks or less ,the problem here is when the bloom phase actually starts .No harvesting in November for me lol

    • Retodd
      Retodd commented
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      There is no ‘end’ date. Sometimes I’m finishing in November, just what my girls tell me.

    This is my weekly update for the showdwon. Gypsy widow is almost 3 ft tall so might have to start some suppercropping or just tie her down.
    What does anyo\ne think of topping her? Only have 7 ft of headroom.
    The small one is the Dbl Grp x WC at 18 days. The other is the stunted Gypsy Widow making a comeback.
    Last edited by JohnEmad; 06-09-2020, 09:51 PM.


      oldjarhead100 yes that is the smart way and the way it always needs to be done choosing short flowering strains. I got mostly OGkush and Girl SC so i'm hoping for a timely finish but these were my clones started in Feb.

      I got really good report to 3 slacker autos near 6wk old are showing flower yeahhh all 3 are stuffed in the bloom tent with 2 folgers coffee autos I took 1 folgers auto harvest yesterday to make room. They are 9wks total age for small container experiment and looking very tired and ready.
      Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

      Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
      indoor/outdoor grower
      1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
      I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
      Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


      • oldjarhead100
        oldjarhead100 commented
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        your getting good results with those Folgers containers ,I use 3 gallon inside but I feed them 4 times a day , very impressive

      • Retodd
        Retodd commented
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        Spider uses fast buds and gets quick great results

      Harvesting another of FBLs strawberry cheesecake x lemon skunk auto in the folgers container today Chopped one down 2 days ago hung her up and cut her buds off of stems this a.m. I put them in a paper bag when they are just about dry for a day or two depends on the bud size these were thumbnail to thumb finger size. I have one more to take in a couple days.
      Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

      Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
      indoor/outdoor grower
      1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
      I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
      Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


      • Retodd
        Retodd commented
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        That’s so funny you wrote that! We save the folger cans for grease and then to the trash. I was looking at the containers I had last night and thought of Furleys solo cup challenge and thought we should do a coffee container challenge sometime. Atm, my tent is full and my field has plenty going. Maybe this fall set something up? I’ve been keeping my GSC in veg in my tent so they can fill out better. Spider hooked me up with the same nutes and soil he uses on his last visit for me to get better on my indoor growing. They’re healthy and I’ve done some changes. I’m curious on how I do this round.

      8 days since my last post. Wow this girl is wanting to get big. Cloned her in case she produces like I am hoping she will.
      Gypsy Widow that started life with 3 main branches per node instead of 2.
      She is lovin the greenhouse but some nosy teenage neighbors leaning over the fenced have eyed her up so she will probably have to come inside to finish her grow. I live in a semi urban/suburban area but obviously people are always looking for something. It's legal here but I suspect theft will take place in a while if I don't move her.
      Too bad but that's the way things go.
      Topped the crap out of her so hopefully she won't outgrow my tent.
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      • Retodd
        Retodd commented
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        Same kind. He’s a statey in OH and I’m in KY. Same one who helped me set up my exhaust system to my tent and makes pipes with me in my shop. He’s never partaken, but just a cool dude. He’s closer than my own brother.
        At the same time to my earlier statement is this:
        You and spider and both going to end up growing yours indoors and I set this competition between just the two of you and everyone else just decided to join. Their entries don’t count in this. You two sucked me in, so I’m gonna have to school you I’ve been growing outdoors w 20 yrs experience and mom at 50 yrs. My photos will get to grow as big and fat as they want. Now, I’ve never grown granddaddy purple before and not knowing what to expect on yield. Spider is doing Kush, what I’ve grown for yrs and would get great yields. I’m sure his will come in close to 10-12oz. My gg last yr was over a pound dry.
        We’ve got a real game that is gonna be a fun one. None of us will loose, but we do have to talk a little shit here n there buddy😂

      • JohnEmad
        JohnEmad commented
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        My Widow is set to easily be the biggest plant I have grown in over 40 years. Hope I have the lighting to help her fill out fully.
        btw, I can send a fluffy towel to you and spider in advance.

      • Retodd
        Retodd commented
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        You’re a good man John!
        It’s my only advantage and I’m gonna take full use out of it. I do hope she does good. She’s looking great

      hey Retodd , Spidermite and all others in this.
      Don't be shy. throw in your grow pictures.
      Here is my soon to be finished indoors Gypsy Widow.
      Topped a couple times and will have to use some major tying down but I think I can make it happen with 7 feet headroom.
      She is now 36" tall and maybe 45" wide. Showing plenty of pistils so it's a girl for sure.


      • JohnEmad
        JohnEmad commented
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        I bet you have had exceptional outdoor grows in the past. Seems many in the PNW are having that reveg or semi flowering problem this year. I just threw it in a large pot and gave it water and some nutrients. The Sun and genetics have done the rest

      • Retodd
        Retodd commented
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        I’ll be down in that field on Tuesday. I’ll take pix of my photos then

      • JohnEmad
        JohnEmad commented
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        one of several fields...rough Look forward to the pics Retodd

      JohnEmad Back up to the right of my shop is the old horse paddock. You go in the entrance and there’s a 60sq’ on the left and a little more on the right. It’s a perfect camouflage for the photos. Down behind the fire pit and along the creek is where I have a couple autos. The only ppl that come up my private 1/2 mile driveway are friends and the meter reader. He doesn’t even get out of his truck, just shoots a scanner. Then I have the one auto GSC in the tent.
      Life would be so much easier if they’d just legalize in my state!


        3 granddaddy purple, 1 grapefruit auto, and 2 GSC? Them I’m not sure about.....they were supposed to be GSC autos, but as you can see from my tent grow and the one in the 1st picture, they can’t be. They certainly are healthy and smell great tho. Guess we’ll just see in time. The one in the 5th picture is a grapefruit auto, with the old barn in the background. The granddaddy’s are stunted from being on my porch for so long in the shade of my roof. They’ve only been in the sun for 2 weeks now.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Retodd; 06-26-2020, 05:57 PM. Reason: Labeling which plant is which, etc


        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
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          Beautiful Retodd just lovely dapple sunlight, man i so enjoy my woods. I have to agree my 2 GSC smell lovely and are sticky leaf still from going to bud to early they are reveg stage and slow to grow. I'm going to have all 8 photos be under 5ft do to my f-up. But......there is hope always

        • Retodd
          Retodd commented
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          SoOrbudgal I didn’t too the gsc and not planning to. In a couple weeks I’ll drive a stake at a 45 degree angle, facing north, and tie and train the main stalks to them. I watched a growing technique that I want to try out.

        love the setting. Plants look very happy.


        • Retodd
          Retodd commented
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          It’s funny bud, I don’t know what to label my indoor grow as since it was purchased as a auto. I can tell right now that it’s the best indoor grow I’ve ever done. It’ll still be a granddaddy that will take you and spider on tho.

        Finally cleared out my 4x4 tent so brought in the Gypsy Widow. She was over 4 ft tall and at least that wide so i trimmed it good and then suppercropped the crap out of her.
        I have 1 foot of space to raise the light that are set to 18/6 until the bends are healed up some. Then it's 12/12 So this will have to work. Think I may have bit off more then I can handle this year.
        Work has started back up and I have far too much on the grow. Whats life without selfmade challenges?


        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
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          Absolutely correct about that statement of self made challenges JohnEmad i'm so used to being on my feet that i've not even slowed down since retirement. I focus so much more time on growing indoors with these tents i'm doing lots of different growing besides weed. Boy she is going to be a handful wild grow but fun to me and you'll be able to take great care of her

        JohnEmad Even tho I’m not going against you n spider. Here’s my mystery gal. She’s around the same size as yours right now, just not supercropped. Like I said before, I still plan on putting her outside. I will make her my personal project and continue to train her tho. The tie downs are going to be replaced with stakes for each branch and I’m thinking of making a giant scrog for her in the ‘Too much time on my hands’ 🎶
        Attached Files


        • oldjarhead100
          oldjarhead100 commented
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          John do you do hvac work ?

        • JohnEmad
          JohnEmad commented
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          No OJH, no Hvac for me. but the work can still be a pain in the ass. lol.
          I am a gravel hauler. Running a train usually. Fun and games but it can be long hours so now my grows won't get much time. 2 or 3 yrs and I may call it quits and retire from working for someone else.

        • Retodd
          Retodd commented
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          I’m a outdoor grower anyway. My plants outside aren’t doing too good atm. Going to give them a good dose of nutes today. Been to hot to do any mowing and I need to cut down some trees. The suns not hitting them too well right now. 2020 needs to be like a Nintendo game, pull it out, blow on it, and shove it back in, and reset.

        growing is a game indeed. Sometimes the plants do better then other times.
        Here is this weeks update for my photo grow.
        Set to germinate March 14th, only a seedling April 8th.
        Now 4ft tall and all the hard pinching has done its thing. All tops are again facing upward and I have tied several main branches to the side.
        The Gypsey Widow has almost completely filled the 4x4 tent.
        What started out as a filler for my Fast Flowering photo plants grow has (because of a super late germination) turned into the biggest plant I have grown in over 40 years.
        I am tickled with having another different grow to be part of in such a short period of time growing again. Lost count of my grows in less then 2 years. They all blur together a bit now.
        Anyway here are a couple pics.



        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
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          JohnEmad i totally am into allowing a photo to veg and get as big as your gypsey widow. She is a great plant to challenge the space in the tent. I am watching how the lights in my tent are working and filling the sides of the tent when i have 4-5 plants in there i have to rotate them every couple days. And you got that right about the blur.....

        Ok Spidermite , Retodd, and all fellow contestants. Here is the GW @ about 2 weeks into 12/12. trying to keep the canopy like a sea of green using soft wire and bolts n such to weigh down the taller tops so everything stays even. Feeding at max strength using Mantis nutrients. Been doing some light trimming almost every day to keep things under control. If I can keep her healthy and fed well this may be a bumper crop.
        Click image for larger version  Name:	20200712_102648_resized.jpg Views:	6 Size:	882.1 KB ID:	426989Click image for larger version  Name:	20200712_102657_resized.jpg Views:	5 Size:	766.2 KB ID:	426990Click image for larger version  Name:	20200712_124224_resized.jpg Views:	7 Size:	928.8 KB ID:	426991
        Last edited by JohnEmad; 07-12-2020, 03:06 PM.


        • Retodd
          Retodd commented
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          You’re only going against him brother. I haven’t been tending my girls much this yr. The one from my tent got put in the field last week and just letting her do her thing. She’s tied down out there and spread out tho. I’ll check on them all tonight or tomorrow. I have all my milk jugs filled on the porch with their nutes in them. I need to spread moth balls around too, the fuckin deer have been at them

        • JohnEmad
          JohnEmad commented
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          those damn deer think we humans plant things for their

        • Retodd
          Retodd commented
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          Haha! I’ve caught them in the act yrs ago and was screaming at them and they were soooooo high they just stared at me



        • JohnEmad
          JohnEmad commented
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          lmao ..

        into the 3rd week of flower at 12/12 light schedule. Did some fairly heavy leaf trimming and cut away many lower thin branches that won't add quality tops. Switched to Green Planet nutes as the Mantis nutes is running low and I won't be using that brand after this. Only complaint is price too high. Plant looks great and it is a veritable sea of green.



        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
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          Man that is a heck of a photo plant i love to do this with just one for fun.

        • JohnEmad
          JohnEmad commented
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          lol, that is what this plant has become. Just a fun project from a seed that probably would never have made it to a plant after not germinating for almost 2 weeks.
          If the tops get heavy I am not sure what I will do to support the branches yet.
          They say 9 to 10 weeks to flower so 7 to 8 weeks left to go. This plant makes me smile every time I look at her. Talk about a late bloomer.

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