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Single leaf grown along side first node

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    Single leaf grown along side first node

    Hi Guys! First things first, I'd like to mention that this is my first grow! So any and all advice would be helpful!

    I'm posting this here today to ask about something that I've never seen happen with my growing friends and something that no one can seem to answer for me

    about 5 days into vegetation, I woke up to this mysterious single leaf that had emerged from my soil (It is connected to a root!) Can anyone tell me if this is good or bad? Can I get rid of the leaf by snipping it off or will that hurt my young plant? Any and all advice is helpful!

    My strain is White Widow. I'm running two 75 watt CFL bulbs. I have not started nutrients to avoid nutrient burn. If you need any other info, please let me know!

    If you are talking about the growth at the far left, pull it it's grass.


      Hi and welcome to the marijuana info center. Yep that's just a volunteer sprout from used up soil mix. Let us know how your WW grows. I will say to read about what growing marijuana basics are and start getting good soil mixes or whatever you decide to use. That seedling is going to fall over it stretched to much for the light.


        Originally posted by SoOrbudgal View Post
        Hi and welcome to the marijuana info center. Yep that's just a volunteer sprout from used up soil mix. Let us know how your WW grows. I will say to read about what growing marijuana basics are and start getting good soil mixes or whatever you decide to use. That seedling is going to fall over it stretched to much for the light.
        Thank you! Yeah, I couldn't find the best soil. Ill pull the grass and use a different soil when I transplant it into it's next and final pot. I believe the stretching was because I had one lamp instead of twol but she really seems to be flourishing now.

        Edit: Could of also been because I had the lamps so far away before also. I moved them closer after reading about CFL bulbs being able to be so close.
        Last edited by KushLyfe; 03-14-2020, 10:04 AM.


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