Anyone use azamax I used it as a drench to kill thrip eggs. Mixed in a solution as recommended. Now my plants are barely drinking 8 days later pots are still heavy. Leaves showing some sign of stress but not terribly bad.
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Save your money next time just use Neem meal. Same ingredients in Azamax except a lot cheaper, and it’s not watered down. What worked for me was Spinosad. Killed all the thrips in one hit I did a second treatment just incase and my plants were infested. Lavender tea will melt the eggs, it’s the camphor in lavender that does it. Once again a lot more concentrated and cheaper.
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If the plants are healthy maybe just give them a foliage spray with aloe Vera. Just cut a piece fillet it and take out the gel like filleting a fish, use a quarter of a cup per gallon. That alone has NPK and it helps build up the plant’s immune system and helps it fight off pests. I usually do that and also brew a tea with kelp and alfalfa right before the flip.