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Room reset

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    Room reset

    Just starting my room reset and was wondering what you guys do to clean your grow space. I just give everything a good wipe down and I mean everything then I walk around the room with a bleach solution in a spray bottle and I spray everything and let it dry and done. I feel I could probably do a better job. I just want to be sure to kill any pollen that may or may not have existed.

    I start with a warm water/Windex half and half spray everything while wiping down. Then give a few hours with fans. Then same spray bottle 1/4 bleach 3/4 water and same thing spray liberally and wipe down. Walls, poles ceiling, remove water tray at the bottom clean below and above the tray. Any wiring I wipe with a cloth dampened with water bleach mix (unplugged). I try to get behind all the poles as well. I use a small compressor to blow out anything I can't get into. Lights fixtures, inside my fans etc. All blown out but done outside. Usually move my tent out of its corner while it's nice and lite then clean all the ports where my fans go in and out. And the screens at the bottom of tent. As well as the walls behind the tent and the floor beneath. As well as giving my room a general cleaning while I can move everything around. Can't forget to dust off the top of the tent while you're at it. This is if I had a male, if not I do a quicker cleaning based in the above.
    Vegging 4 aurora indica, waiting on seeds. Got eyes on a 4x8x8 tent.
    sp150x2 philz330 and Philz 100x2
    4 plants currently under 500w
    2 x opulent systems 4x4x80 tents and a 24x40x48 baby box.
    GH full line of nutes+calmag and my molasses sugar brown sugar liquid mix at 30ml per liter.
    Happy growing/consuming 🥴
    Space is at a premium when you're growing premium in space 😁


      I break down my tent completely and wipe all the poles and tent with bleach. Rinse with a vinegar solution. Reassemble.
      ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
      Mars Hydro
      Vortex in-line 6" fan


      • SirSmksAlot
        SirSmksAlot commented
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        Does the vinegar neutralize the bleach?

      • Canuck147
        Canuck147 commented
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        I don't know - kills weeds outside so maybe does in their antagonists as well.

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