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Bernie on legalization.

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      Canuck147 I think he was protesting during WW1 . He used to protest against millionaires to, until he became one. I Look at it like the date BC & AD, but it's BBTB & BATB (bernie before the book and bernie after the book)
      Last edited by GreenState; 03-03-2020, 11:34 AM.
      "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


        Politics n pot don't mix I apologise if I got anyone's panties in a wad. Smoke u one and relax. I don't smoke I take Suboxone so I'll have one of those. Peace


          The Democrats are putting up one hell of a fight against the Bern. Makes you wonder why doesn't it? If there is an honest man, or at least semi honest in DC it's Sanders. We've gotten fucked by the phony liberals before Clinton, and Obama. Clinton was actually the last great Republican getting through conservative legislation under the guise of liberalism. He was actually working behind the scenes with Newt Gingrich to privatize Social Security. That was before Monica demonstrated her oral skills, and diverted attention away with a little bit of head. As for the Obama remember what the drunken Boehner said? Barack gives us 99% of what we want. Obama bailed out the rich, and turned his back on we the people. Bernie is hopefully the real deal in the land of the fee, and the home of the knave. If this gets your panties wadded up maybe you'll vote with a little more sense!


            Republicans and Democrats are each side of the same filthy coin called politics. A gentleman would never touch such a coin.
            Focus and relativity.


              Yeah maybe 1 gentleman deciding a swing towards legalization though is a feat to be considered.. come on people I hate all politics as well and no matter if one of em cures cancer and ends world hunger there still gonna have made some mistake like all human beings do. And be assholes and fuck us and pamper us who cares. The man wants to file a executive order first thing and repeal cannibus laws and expunge cannibus convictions. Yeah they'll push against it but it is very possible to happen with majority of nation and Congress support of weed. Hell there all from generation flower power. Can't a man dream. Don't fuck up my wet dreams. Get off your asses and go vote or sit there and bitch about whoever that ain't or is doin whatever. Jesus Christ it ain't like I'm supporting Hitler or anyone just wanna grow pot in a free damn country without being siezed and kicked on. When all is considered he is obviously the less evil who also wants to let us grow pot so what's bad about that? It has to be one or the other and yeah maybe your vote won't swing an election but it's f 6 million users get to a ballet box then I'd say hell yes we can elect a president. Spread word to all network campaign and tell your grand kids I helped make it legal for u to do this when they are adults of course but yeah go 4 it.


                Well, this topic has created a ton of thought.... but it does illustrate one thing... you have got to get out and vote. If an organized movement all voted for a single issue, it would become most cases.🤬


                  The public referendum in Colorado certainly did. We got our weed, and get to smoke it too.


                    Come on someone start a 3 million man March on the capital tell em we ain't leaving till we get to light up legally. All jokes aside there are powerful numbers here alot of people support cannibus legalization. It's just going to take action.


                    • Farmall
                      Farmall commented
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                      That plan has worked, count me in

                    Well Bernie won California and Colorado. Super Tuesday.


                      I'll go out on the limb and predict there will be a Biden/ Kobachar ticket facing Trump/Pence..(some are guessing Trump & Haley as vp, I don't see it, she's to smart for that.)
                      "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


                      • Rwise
                        Rwise commented
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                        In this I would vote for Mr Sanders

                      • kingfish
                        kingfish commented
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                        What about Biden/ Obama?

                      I guess at this stage of my life, I only want legal weed, everything else has either been denied, removed or eliminated for me. So, just let me get that pursuit of happiness part over. WTF


                        We can easily see the mechanics of the PARTY moving against our little revolution with Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Bloomberg dropping out and throwing support to Biden. Biden the weak will be the designated LOSER. Prepare yourselves for another four years of ...... Click image for larger version

Name:	image_66744.jpg
Views:	304
Size:	30.1 KB
ID:	381126 The HORROR, the HORROR, the HORROR!


                        • GreenState
                          GreenState commented
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                          I'm out...with-I own some of those equities.

                        • starramus
                          starramus commented
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                          The plunge protection team are hard at work today. But how long can they keep this artificially high market afloat? Fortunately der fuhrer is well versed in bankruptcy. National bankruptcy is just a trade away!

                        • BR2K
                          BR2K commented
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                          That's just funny, right there. I don't care who ya are!!!

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	selfy stk.jpg
Views:	280
Size:	8.8 KB
ID:	381187 Heh-heh


                        • SoOrbudgal
                          SoOrbudgal commented
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                          Good 1 PRIMO

                        Originally posted by PRIMO View Post
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	selfy stk.jpg
Views:	280
Size:	8.8 KB
ID:	381187 Heh-heh
                        Star Trek socialism 101


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