Hello! I have been recently approved as a Medical Marijuana patient as well as a cultivator (card and license) of up to 12 plants and I am very excited to get started! This is also my very first post! Also Yay!
We are in the planning stages right now and want to get everything ironed out before ordering seeds.
I have questions that I'd like to run by you experienced growers that I have not been able to find straight answers to online and so any advice would be appreciated!
My partner and I have decided to redo our whole garage to grow the plants and the questions about air quality and airflow came up.
We are willing to install any fans to push/pull the air, but our question is the quality of the air that the plants will need to grow properly. We are thinking to vent the outgoing air into either our attic or just drill into the sidewall and vent into the open air outside. Into the attic would not be end of the world, but I wonder if it would make the inside of our house smell?
In regards to Intake air, do we need to have a hook up to the outside to pull the fresh air in, or would our garage area air suffice? I have read through some of the posts and I know that CO2 is needed to ensure optimal growth but I'm not sure if the air within the garage would be enough?
Oh and if you need more context our thoughts on the growing area would be in a cabinet within the garage, so if we ever have to have the Garage door open for anything, the neighbors would not immediately see the plants/area from the street. The cabinet would a wired rack and be about 36"x8' with walls and doors that lock. It would just appear to be a normal storage cabinet, but we'll customize the inside for growing standards.
Now, the neighbors (who are also friends) that face the side of the wall where the outgoing vent would be are also going to be cultivators as well, so we don't think they would mind any smells, but our state is in the Bible Belt Midwest and our other neighbors may not be like the smells if the wind carries it over to them.
Other then the cultivators next door, none of the others would be in direct contact with that side of the wall. I mean, they'd have to have a reason to be over here as it's a walk around the loop.
I mean, my MMJ card/license should protect me from any legal issues but in my state, it's still a very gray area legally and it's up to the local authority to enforce it or not. Think, "You can grow and imbibe mmj, but you can't buy it here and don't even think of crossing state lines from another location." thought.
Sorry for the long post, just wanted to be as detailed as possible to give you an idea of what I'm asking about.
We are in the planning stages right now and want to get everything ironed out before ordering seeds.
I have questions that I'd like to run by you experienced growers that I have not been able to find straight answers to online and so any advice would be appreciated!
My partner and I have decided to redo our whole garage to grow the plants and the questions about air quality and airflow came up.
We are willing to install any fans to push/pull the air, but our question is the quality of the air that the plants will need to grow properly. We are thinking to vent the outgoing air into either our attic or just drill into the sidewall and vent into the open air outside. Into the attic would not be end of the world, but I wonder if it would make the inside of our house smell?
In regards to Intake air, do we need to have a hook up to the outside to pull the fresh air in, or would our garage area air suffice? I have read through some of the posts and I know that CO2 is needed to ensure optimal growth but I'm not sure if the air within the garage would be enough?
Oh and if you need more context our thoughts on the growing area would be in a cabinet within the garage, so if we ever have to have the Garage door open for anything, the neighbors would not immediately see the plants/area from the street. The cabinet would a wired rack and be about 36"x8' with walls and doors that lock. It would just appear to be a normal storage cabinet, but we'll customize the inside for growing standards.
Now, the neighbors (who are also friends) that face the side of the wall where the outgoing vent would be are also going to be cultivators as well, so we don't think they would mind any smells, but our state is in the Bible Belt Midwest and our other neighbors may not be like the smells if the wind carries it over to them.
Other then the cultivators next door, none of the others would be in direct contact with that side of the wall. I mean, they'd have to have a reason to be over here as it's a walk around the loop.
I mean, my MMJ card/license should protect me from any legal issues but in my state, it's still a very gray area legally and it's up to the local authority to enforce it or not. Think, "You can grow and imbibe mmj, but you can't buy it here and don't even think of crossing state lines from another location." thought.
Sorry for the long post, just wanted to be as detailed as possible to give you an idea of what I'm asking about.
