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Leaves drooping and have bubbles or wrinkles

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    Leaves drooping and have bubbles or wrinkles

    So this is my first ever attempt at growing. Just germinated a seed for fun and it did really well so I decided to just go for it. Planted it, it grew really well but then I let it stay in the small pot for too long because I didn't have time to go get a big pot. So I believe it ended up getting root bound because it started to droop and the bottom leaves started to shrivel at the tips.

    Anyways I ended up getting the new pot like two days after that started. I put it in the new pot and it grew no joke like a couple inches overnight. But the shrivelled leaves didn't recover. The ends that were shrivelled dried up and got crispy, but the rest of the leave was still good. Anyways after I put it in the big pot it took off, which I expected. The funny part was I had the shittiest little thing rigged up it was literally growing under a crappy little five dollar desk lamp with 1 60watt equivalent led bulb. In a decently cold basement in Canada. Thought I would mention that because I thought it was strange how well it was growing.

    So anyways it grew to about maybe 3 inches shorter than what is shown in the pictures. I had been rotating the plant periodically to make sure everything was getting light, even though it didn't show signs it wasn't. Anyways, I'm a carpenter so I decided to make my self a little grow box. I don't want a huge plant so the box is about 45 inches tall. Still need to put a carbon filter in it, that's what the 4 inch hole in the back is for, also gonna put 2 computer fans in it.

    ANYWAYS, hopefully somebody takes the time to read this I know it's long as frig. So yeah, I put the plant in the new box, a couple hours later I could tell it was loving the extra light. But I had also bought a new timer for the box, a digital one, but ended not pressing a button that needed to be pressed for the timer t work right. So it didn't shut off, and the plant ended up staying in the light for like 36 hours or something. But from a few things I've read that shouldn't really affect anything and that sometimes people actually do that purposely for various reasons. But either way, when I checked it the next day. I realized what happened, and saw that the leaves had all drooped. And one leaf actually moved straight up and was touching the leaf above it. So basically the branch stood straight up. Anyways that's gone now it went back down.

    But yeah so it's been like 3 days now and the leaves still haven't perked up. And then I just went and looked at them and there was like wrinkles or bubbles on a few of the leaves. Hopefully you can see it in the pics.

    Also I should mention that the next day when i opened the box it was a fair bit warmer than in the rest of the basement. The light don't produce heat like I can hold them while they are on, but it's warmer because I've got that shiny thermal wrap on the sides. So I thought maybe it had something to do with that, or maybe the box being closed was causing more humidity than the plant was used to since it spent all its life in the basement at like 20° Celsius. So after I noticed the drooping and the light issue. I fixed the timer and the door is left open until I can get some fans in there. Also I'm not under watering and I'm not over watering. I water when I stick my finger in and it's dry down to an inch or 2. When I water I get good run off, it starts to run out the bottom around like 5-10 mins after i water it. There's perlite in the soil and I also added some unpainted aquarium rocks into the soil too, to help with drainage. Also I fixed the timer I should mention that. I'm on a 20/4 light cycle, on at 4 am and off at midnight.

    Problem is it's been 3 days now and the leaves won't perk up plus the wrinkles I mentioned. Can anyone help me here?

    K sorry I don't know what the fuck is wrong with this site but it is very smartphone unfriendly. Like trying to upload pictures is retarded. First it sits there loading for 10 mins, doesnt load the pic. Cancel, try again, nothing. Cancel, try again, uploads 3 of the same pic. So I'll try uploading the pics as comments I guess
    Last edited by Guest; 01-04-2017, 09:42 PM.


      Nope not working either. Such bs


      • St.buds
        St.buds commented
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        Try taking a screenshot of ur pics and posting that

      • Nartak
        Nartak commented
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        My friend you can't upload pictures as comments,there is no such function on the forum,try reading this helpful article we have all chipped in and provide us with the asked info so we can help you solve the picture problem! to world!

      what is your ph...going in and coming out


        I'm not too sure to be honest I was at the store and I bought this big jug of natural spring water. I didn't realize I had to test that I will have to pick up some strips or something. Will some strips from Walmart or something be good enough


          I'm not comfortable using strips or meters when checking ph...I use the color test bottle way...

          General hydroponics ph up and down room for error...always check ph on all water and nute water...nute water set ph after mixing 6


            So you want a pH of 6 going in at all times? And what coming out? Also like I said this is my first ever grow, I did a decent amount of research but when it comes to the watering I'm still unsure on a few things. I'm growing mine in soil first of all. So when I water it, should I dump the run off left in the tray under the pot or just leave it. Also when should I used plain water and when should I use nute water. Also it's not easy for me to get the general hydroponic stuff, I don't have anywhere in my town that sells it or an equivalent, and to order it online it costs like $50 shipping


            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
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              Krondiddly, have you tried Amazon? I get most of my growing stuff there: prices are definitely competitive, I get free shipping but I think if you're not a Prime member, you get free shipping over $25.



              Soil ph..6-6.5

              Same coming out..

              You need some way of checking ph!
              If you go with a ph meter...get a blue lab ph meter pen..
              Those are tops!

              Go that route time cost..surely you have some garden center around...our a pool store..they sell ph kits

              Dump run off water...

              So many different ways to feed and water...everyone's way is the best...a lot of people here follow nebulas feed's easy to find...

              Wouldn't hurt to do some training on her...bend her over or her maybe...something to stimulate side growth...
              Last edited by Green75; 01-04-2017, 11:27 PM.


                Normal to me, I've seen this on my plants after caressing leaves lol. Are you touching the leaves?


                  No ive done my best to not touch it at all right from the beginning because I read that it can harm it. And green75 it's the middle of winter here in Canada like -30 celcius -22 fahrenheit, so all the garden areas of hardwares stores and stuff are reduced to nothing to make room for other product, because nobody is going to gardening right now. Except for me lol, "gardening". Cannabis so you think it's normal for it to droop for 3 days out of nowhere. Green75 I don't know anything about those methods you mentioned can you post a link to it if there is anything about it on here. I'm still figuring out the site.


                  • St.buds
                    St.buds commented
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                    I feel your pain Texas is not grower friendly

                  Strips r better than nothing but green is on point af


                    alltatup yeah Amazon is what I've been checking. I'm in Canada and a smaller town so it's not the same. You go on and they have dick all on there and everything there has ridiculous shipping rates even though it's shipping within the country. And then same thing on, you find cheap stuff but half of it doesn't ship to Canada and the other half is like no joke it will be like $50 shipping even as retarded as $60-70 shipping on items that are like $12 it's stupid


                    • alltatup
                      alltatup commented
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                      Guest, I had no idea!!! Canadians just aren't as consumerist as we are, I guess. I live in a small town too, but I see Amazon boxes being delivered all over the place.

                      You need pH testing stuff, right? You might very well be able to get it at places like Walmart or anywhere they have pet supplies, cuz folks with fish tanks need it. So you may not be able to go with all the cool, expensive hydroponic shit for now, but I think drug stores may carry that kind of thing, too. Little pH testing kits should not be that hard to find.

                      Green75 is right: you gotta test your pH!!

                      About the 36 hours of light: yeah, you might have baked em a little bit. One thing I have learned: GOTTA KEEP THE AIR CIRCULATING. If you had the plant in the box with door closed, it also might have gotten a case of claustrophobia (just kidding).

                      Your plant looks fairly healthy from the pics. Give it time to recover from the closed box situation, and wait to see what new leaves look like. Keep posting your grow journal!!!!

                    From my humble experience I've found that leaves generally don't recover the plant will just grow more(veg) or it'll hope for the best and eat away the nutes in the leaf near harvest(flower) so when a leaf goes bad on my plant to the point of being dry I just prune the leaf.
                    Grow and good luck
                    Current grow:


                    past grows:




                      The leaves look healthy to me overall! Can you post a picture of the whole plant in the setup with the lights and everything? I associate that sort of wrinkling with fast vegetative growth and big leaves. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing on its own, especially if the leaves are not discolored.

                      If the leaves are droopy it's usually either something is going on with the environment (temperature, air circulation, humidity, etc), the roots (root health, drainage, watering frequency/amount, growing medium, etc) or the plant might not be getting enough light. Plants also naturally get a little droopy right before the lights go out. Are the roots on the cold ground?

                      I'm sorry you're having trouble with the forum on mobile. Right now we're looking into getting an app version of it produced, so people can connect to the forum via a mobile app in addition to the regular mobile browser version. We appreciate your patience while we get it all figured out!


                      • Cannabis-me
                        Cannabis-me commented
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                        Right on!!!

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