Hey guys, first post here 
was wondering if anyone had idea as to what this strain may be? Or the potential genetics?
shes was a baby i got given in pretty bad shape and managed to bring her back to life and decided to throw her in the garden outside for shitzngigz..
well after a few weeks thriving in the ground with a bit of perlite and cheapass potmix shes surprised me with some pretty pink bits at the beginning of flower!
ive been told the colour could fade as the flowering stage progesses if so any hints or tricks to enhance the colour?? If not any comments or suggestions are welcome just curious to see the feedback from you fellas at GWE
Ps oh im in NZso i think jm about 3ishweeks into floweringseason but the pics will probly be more accurate than me
first year growing.. well growing and paying attention

was wondering if anyone had idea as to what this strain may be? Or the potential genetics?
shes was a baby i got given in pretty bad shape and managed to bring her back to life and decided to throw her in the garden outside for shitzngigz..
well after a few weeks thriving in the ground with a bit of perlite and cheapass potmix shes surprised me with some pretty pink bits at the beginning of flower!
ive been told the colour could fade as the flowering stage progesses if so any hints or tricks to enhance the colour?? If not any comments or suggestions are welcome just curious to see the feedback from you fellas at GWE

Ps oh im in NZso i think jm about 3ishweeks into floweringseason but the pics will probly be more accurate than me
