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Which weed is better

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  • johnb1963
    Thanks Corogold, and that's how I funded my indoors set-up, the large yield for my outdoor adventure.

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  • Farmall
    commented on 's reply
    I think you do...

  • Corogold
    Do i haved tomake new post

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  • JohnEmad
    commented on 's reply
    Maybe I can help clarify the poll thing. Click on Make a Post, then see icons for a camera, a chain link, a poll and calendar.
    click on the third from the left and it will say "Insert Poll". Follow that and you should be good to go.

  • Corogold
    commented on 's reply
    Place youre vote indoors or outdoor

  • Corogold
    Ok no im so not computer savy i have no idea how to do that sorry Farmall thanks for trying

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  • Corogold
    Which is better indoors or outdoors

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  • Corogold
    12x indoor and 4x outdoor and now im going to try the poll idea thanks Farmall

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  • HighDesertRat
    There is something about the taste of outdoor grown that I love...but my vote still goes to indoor...
    best weed I ever had was hydro grown skunk#1 back in the early 90' least that is what I think it was.
    One hit was cereal and movie couch lock, and two hits was lights out, muchacho.

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  • Organic357
    Add another indoor vote for a new grower. The benefits of an outdoor grow can be tremendous but for a new grower inside will probably give you the best chance of success. You also have to consider where you live. If you live where it is very humid or there are many pests it can be very frustrating to spend a lot of time growing you plants only to have them eaten by animals like deer or be ruined by mildew as a result of high humidity where you are growing. Also depending on where you live you may need to be concerned about 'rippers' a two legged low life that watches your crop then harvests it before you do.

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  • Farmall
    hey there Corogold JohnEmad stirred up some thought so I went over to look at a poll creation.... go over to “+new topic”. The third icon on the left side of the page allows you to create a poll and select the options as well as limits on time.... seems easy enough

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  • Farmall
    I’m still looking for that 1969 giggle weed that makes you laugh like hell for an hour, then zone out for 2. Everything else I’ve had is puff, puff, pass out. And it’s all INDOOR

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  • Fortuno
    I'd love to be able to answer that question . I'm growing my first ones right now and only had a chance to taste real weed on a trip to Amsterdam. It's incredibly tough to get good weed where I come from - I mean it's easy to buy on the street but I heard stories of it being soaked in bleach and other sh*t so I'm not risking it.

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  • Corogold
    This has been my most interactive post yet thanks alot every 1 for particapating and collectively sharing views i just need to learn how to make voting polls and use the sites tools cause the counting votes is getting trickey ahaha cheers every1 for youre time cant wait to see the outcome in couple weeks

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  • Corogold
    I need to learn how to do voting polls ahaha as it stands 9x votes indoor/ 4x votes outdoor and here we go the indoors is creeping away .

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