Ain't got to check yet I have tds waiting on batteries for it to arrive I'm starting off new when I get seeds this week or next. That shocked plant just ain't gonna make it I still got a gelato and bangi haze in soil til then. Just wanna be ready. Some one said if my Flora micro didn't say hard water on it and I used tap then I'd need cal mag too
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New to hydroponics advice?
I was meaning for the hydro bucket when I start it. I'm just doin the miracle grow 4 soil. The Flora trio is just regular. They have a micro that's just for hard water and mines not that was my concern. And if I use the 1/4 for seedling as there chart says. Or just plain water til roots hit the mix
Well, tap water has plenty of calcium already in it. And the floral trio has magnesium. So it won’t be necessary unless you are seeing a deficiency. With that being said, cal-mag is a good ph buffer. So if you are using it for that, well I say ok. But you can use other ph buffers as well just as easily.
I used rockwool successfully many times then I got a new bunch of cubes and I couldn't start anything. Got some Jiffy Rooters and have had good luck with them. I stick the sed in about 1/4 inch deep and just make sure it stays wet until it pops. Then I fill the net pot full of hydroton and put it in the hydro set-up.1 PhotoFocus and relativity.
Well after nearly killing my best 2 gals. I successfully transplanted my last gelato and she's doin good. Got my pH and tds in mail and I just can't believe how a few point up or down can make a plant droop and burn so bad. pH is now 5.8 and she's healthy as can be. Lowered using vinegar and then a little baking soda to bring up a notch and she stood right up and took it. That's all I got 4 the moment it works ppm is around 300 idk much bout that but it is thriving so.I'd like to thank Toker1 and all the rest for your friendly advice. God speed gentlemen and good growing 2 ya.