So im wondering what ive done wrong and how to fix the issue heres some pics
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Whats wrong with these autos
I have feed a small amount of food awhile ago i dont think that cause this to happen i only feed a very small amount. I do i have to ph my water for outdoor cause my guerilla grow in ground get not very great source of water but my outdoor autos i give them boiled water cooled obviously ahahaIO'D
And ive just remembered these are not in good soil i just clicked that i ran out of my good poting mix and i used cheap 5doller compost and 4doller potting mix and they were those 3pots i filled with the 3 sick looking auto plants so i think will know yous are right they will need food correct . And im broke at moment but had the 2 ferts i metioned above what 1 do yous think would be better thrive orchid or fish and seaweedIO'D