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Help with lowering soil Ph

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    Help with lowering soil Ph

    I have a white widow photo that's in mid flower who's Ph wont leave the 7.0-7.2 range, no matter how much Ph down I dump in its water. It was at 6.2-6.7 its whole life up til about 4 waterings ago. I literally just flushed it with plain water at 2.7 and it's still coming out at 7.2, WTF!?!?! Its soil is, I guess you could say, semi-organic, it's a combo of fox farms happy frog and some natural compost and I use fox farm notes. For the love of fuck can someone please help me.

    Can you post some pics? IF everything needed is in your organic soil, Me, Myself and I dont worry with PH. I read the plant and she tells me what she wants, I add that. Sulfur will lower PH over time, it makes sulfuric acid, powdered works faster but one can drop it to much (yes I have). Is your plant good and healthy, or does she say she needs something? BTW geo data is removed when uploaded here.


      What is being used to get the readings? Been a lot of calibration issues on pens over the last several months.
      TENT: Cool Grow 3x3x6 LIGHT: M-H TSW2000
      EXHAUST: AC Infinity T-4 and controller 67
      AIR CIRC: AC Infinity Cloudray S6 x2
      IRRIGATION: BluMat Tropf NUTRIENTS: Earth Dust


        isn't higher ph optimal for flowering?

        old recipe i know for blooming the pants off garden flowers called for a tsp of baking soda per gallon.
        for well or tap water.

        it might be your measuring device.. try dipping it in phdown directly, rinse and then goto your tap water and see what you get as a reading.


        • Rwise
          Rwise commented
          Editing a comment
          I know someone that ups the PH to around 8.5 for flower, claims it makes stronger weed. I have never tested his idea(s)! He's happy, so,,,

        I have found that my $10.00 pH pen and my $150.00 pH pen, when calibrated together or pretty darn close to each other. Discovered the $10.00 pen was always off about .7 on the scale around neutral...Now, they are too close to each other to be concerned. I would be sure the pen is correct for both acids and basic measurements. Despite the fact you are using the same tool to measure both speciments, it could be more accurate on one side or the other


          I'll post some pics when the lights go on, she looks good except for maybe a tad too much N and maybe some airy buds, which I'm pretty sure was my fault, I'm using a blue lab pen and I even recalibrated it right before testing her runoff this time to see if that was the problem but it still came out high


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