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My New Year's resolutions is ...

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  • LurkingInTheGrass
    commented on 's reply

    Tru dat
    Along with eclipses and and (dammit, not thinking of anything nice, my brain went right to volcanoes and earthquakes)

    Comets are on a schedule
    Last edited by LurkingInTheGrass; 01-05-2020, 03:23 PM. Reason: Thought of something

  • starramus
    commented on 's reply
    The winter solstice occurs whether humans exist , or not along with the summer, and the equinoxes.

  • LurkingInTheGrass
    commented on 's reply
    Raspberry liqueur, now I'm intrigued

    And, just to be a d!ck, aren't they all human concocted?

    Coming here, doesnt count as playing on the internet 😁. More like required reading

  • RagWeedDWC
    commented on 's reply
    22 years in the Marines, 26 years in the C suite, I'm done with that four letter word "Work"! Funny, now I wonder how I ever found time to work, and enjoying ever minute of it.

  • Farmall
    commented on 's reply
    Should anyone find a way to shut down that internal alarm...PLEASE let me know !

  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    I went to bed at 8 and had wife wake me up for 11;30 ,took my time getting up came out lit a doobe watched the celebration on tv for ten minutes gave the wife a big kiss at the appropriate time then back to bed ,lol I have found that no matter how late I stay up my internal alarm clock goes off at 4 am ,
    Rwise that wine sounds good Ive done plum,peach and cherry wine from fruit trees in my yard ,nothing like homemade wine

  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    Farmall it sounds to me that you found something you really liked to do to keep you going for 30 years , that my friend is very hard to do .so congrats and thank you for the compliment ,

  • starramus
    commented on 's reply
    Sounds like the illegal fireworks my son drives to Wyoming for. Fortunately my house he lives in is 75 miles away.

  • starramus
    I resolve to spend less time playing on the internet, and do more productive work in the real non-cyber world. Also more time to be spent in my home gym increasing blood flow to my geriatric brain. It really does help a lot.

    My wife was up at midnight drinking her expensive Chambord/ egg nog drink whilst I snored away. I find it impossible to observe/celebrate another human concocted holiday.
    Last edited by starramus; 01-01-2020, 03:20 PM.

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  • SoOrbudgal
    Those are what I heard last night an they were not normal gun shot.

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  • Rwise
    commented on 's reply
    Mine were doing well with the gun shots, until the very large as in not legal size floral shell made the inside like daylight, and then shook the house good. BOOOOM! At least it was only 1,,,

  • SoOrbudgal
    Rwise my 2 dogs didn't make a peep? But it could be they were to comfy in the bed LOL

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  • Rwise
    commented on 's reply
    With a bottle of homemade blackberry wine and some fine bud, I crashed early too. When the celebration started my (dogs) little girl curled up in my face, and the big boy at my feet,,,protect me Daddy!

  • Rwise
    commented on 's reply
    When I first retired I was so busy I didn't know when I ever had time to work.
    It is nice to know you can go fishing anydamntime you want. I dont miss the job, but some of the people I worked with,,,. Now that all the Daddy do's are slowing down, I have some time for me!
    Congrats and enjoy not having to watch the clock!

  • Farmall
    commented on 's reply
    oldjarhead100 that a great comment... speaks volumes about you as a person. Proud to know you
    SoOrbudgal if I go 5 hours uninterrupted these days, It was a good night...SUCKS!
    OlderNOTwiser I retired once before when I was 36 and after 2 years I got stupid and went back to work. Been over 30 more years and now, I can’t get away yet. Can not wait to not miss it

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