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Another lighting question

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    Let my try again to approach your problem from a different direction.

    If you're like me (and you may have the same priorities and goals a I do, which are simplicity, affordabilty, and I prefer something I can buy readily and cheeply over a complicated DIY build.

    Here is an inexpensive light that should fit your needs, AND be an upgrade. And can be delivered for free by the end of next week, which means you can have it plugged in and growing you pot in another 30 minutes after that.

    Nothing is foolproof for the sufficiently talented fool.


      Thanks YYCannabis I'll do that Thanks a million!!
      I looked on digikey but couldn't find that part number, what is the name of the product? Manufacturer?


      • YYCannabis
        YYCannabis commented
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        Bridgelux EB Slim Gen 3

      • JDU
        JDU commented
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        Cool. Thanks guys. I think for the price I'm gonna go with the DIY strips. It don't look too difficult either. 👍

      I was looking at the Spiderfarmer brand Dingus. Have you used them successfully before?


      • DingusKhan
        DingusKhan commented
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        No, just found it on Amazon, and thought it would fit you needs if you didn't want to build something. I heard those components made growers happy.

      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
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        I've been looking at my old vipra 450 it's got just the veg system light working no full spectrum it's doing the job but not sure how much longer had it over 3yrs running. If I were to replace it for my veg. tent it would be that one Dingus sent a link on I've read up on those it would work very well for vegging in my 3x3 and good for bloom in a 2x2 cost wise, less hassle but if you got the skills? why not


      So demon alcohol strikes again.... New Yrs Eve somebody was tounge kissin the wrong person at midnight & now the friend who's shop & inert gas welder I was gonna use to make a spine & rib fixture is 1/2 packed up & he's movin out. Why does this shit always happen to ME????? LMAO.
      So.... YYCannabis ..... is there a "lip" on those strips that would enable me to clamp them to the spine without damaging them?

      Nxt question- Last time I asked about lighting requirements I was told I need about 800w for a 4x4..... here I'm being told that a 600w mh pulling 400 from the wall is sufficient. LEDs that cover a 2x2 footprint also. WTF??


      • YYCannabis
        YYCannabis commented
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        JDU 800 watts for 4x4 puts you into a position where you would probably need CO2. It all depends on setup. 800 watts hanging 5 feet above the canopy is way different than 600 watts 5 feet above. More watts costs more money to run. Then you have the cost associated with heat issues and venting it. More watts = More costs.
        As for the strips...the light strips *that I use* is fairly rigid. They are held onto the aluminum flat bar (heat sink) using adhesive thermal tape. The strips that I mentioned in a previous post are also rigid, but they can only handle about 500 mA of heat dissipation. If you want to run them “hotter” at say 750 mA or more, then you will need to think about using some type of heatsink to dissipate heat.
        If you want to build out of aluminum like I did, it’s easy enough with basic woodworking tools with one exception...brazing the aluminum bits together. They don’t need “welding” since it’s not structural or weight bearing 😉 I bought some brazing rods from amazon and a propane/MAP gas torch to put it together.
        If you haven’t done it yet, check out my build log. I have a bunch of pics that help explain everything. My design is just a simple spine and rib design. The aluminum is easy to use and work with.

      • DingusKhan
        DingusKhan commented
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        So, again, not to disagree with anything Toker or YY said, they speak truth. If you did all that, you would have an awesome light.

        IF you want to do that kind of work. Even if Toker brazes the aluminum for you, there is a LOT of research and specking that you have to do.

        OR, you could just get one of those flat panel or COB deals for about $80-150 to add to your current arsenal and be done with it, and the UPS guy will drop it off on Monday.

      • JDU
        JDU commented
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        @ DingusKhan my current arsenal is 3 T5s & they need to hang closer than & therefore block out an LED.
        @ YyCannabis so 800 is too much?

      YYCannabis I went past the 1st page on your build journal & I'm startin to wrap my pot addled mind around the concept. If you're attaching the strips with an adhesive well then I could abandon the spine approach & just use baling wire or twine to attach them to a length of hog wire...... Yes??


      • YYCannabis
        YYCannabis commented
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        Farmall I believe that once people clear their minds of the old ways of lighting, they will all eventually see that LED is the way to go.

      • JDU
        JDU commented
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        My 1st thought WAS a frame. But on hog wire I can scoot or slide them around to wherever they hit the plants best. I can think of a few configurations now, & I don't see how any of them can be wrong- the important thing is getting light to the girls.

      • YYCannabis
        YYCannabis commented
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        JDU I love those “AHA!!” lightbulb moments when suddenly everything makes sense. Now you can see options on top of options on top of options. And yes, it’s not about how you get the light there, but how much light gets there. 👍

      Here’s a few pics of the actual light strip on the heat sink. I just reviewed my build log and realized I didn’t put a single pic of the mounted strip.

      There are 3 things you must check everyday when growing in hydro:
      1) Water level (How much h2o is she drinking in 24hrs)
      2) pH level (change over 24hrs)
      3) ppm/EC level (How much food is she eating in 24hrs)


      • YYCannabis
        YYCannabis commented
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        Mine are 75.

      • Toker1
        Toker1 commented
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        Or you could grow in low enough ambient that the room is the heat sink. The cooling efficiency still could be improved with fins... just depends on how important a few degrees might be to a situation

      • YYCannabis
        YYCannabis commented
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        Toker1 Absolutely correct. Not all strips are made equal and not all environments are the same. Different brands have different thermal traits.

      Here are the two profiles I use. They are about 1” wide where the adhesive thermal tape bonds the led strip to the aluminum. All of my frames use the left profile. I am working on two that will use the newer arc shape

      Click image for larger version

Name:	D929200F-62FC-4CE1-80D8-13929F3AC3B5.jpeg
Views:	271
Size:	779.3 KB
ID:	363477


      • JDU
        JDU commented
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        Nice. So a few more questions-
        Where do I get those? Do I want cool, warm, etc white? They have about 4 choices. What drivers do I need if I want to make 2 sets of strips?

      • Toker1
        Toker1 commented
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        Lol! I once had a bearded dragon. Completely reliant on a specific temperature. When he needed heat, he went and basked under the heat lamp. But when it was hot, the little shit would be bathing in his water dish.

      • Farmall
        Farmall commented
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        smart little shit....swim when it gets too hot...

      JDU start here to learn more about strip led lights. There are lots of posts for various size grow spaces. Try to find one that matches what your space will be and read what growers are using and asking about. It’s also the place to get help on choosing which led drivers are best suited for your needs.
      As for which color temps...various choices depending on what you want to do. I use 3200k (more red color) and 5000k (more blue color) spectrums in combination at different times of the plants growth stage. This is the same as regular lamp light users when they switch lamps from veg stage to flower stage. (Full disclaimer: this is my own experiment based from many many hours of research...and I’m getting great results with quantity and quality of buds.)

      I should also point out that the strips I use are considered “expensive” compared to other options out there like the Bridgelux brand. I have a slightly broader budget for materials that is not in the “how cheap can I build it” category. But the Bridgelux strips are certainly more than up to the task of growing and they are very affordable. Don’t be shy on $$ for the strips of lights if you can afford them.

      You need to do some looking into light spectrums. Start with the link above. Also search for “Bruce Bugbee” on YouTube. His videos are very informative. While he doesn’t speak a lot about cannabis specifically, the details of his info is what matters.

      There are 3 things you must check everyday when growing in hydro:
      1) Water level (How much h2o is she drinking in 24hrs)
      2) pH level (change over 24hrs)
      3) ppm/EC level (How much food is she eating in 24hrs)


      • Toker1
        Toker1 commented
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        I have a 3000k I use for flower and a 4000k I use from veg-finish.

      • YYCannabis
        YYCannabis commented
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        Toker...what led lights are you using? Strips or cobs?

      • Toker1
        Toker1 commented
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        Kind of like strips, only panels.

      Well I been neck deep & all over the web researching & I'm just more confused than when I started. I HAVE found spine n rib & square frame led strip fixtures priced from $425 to $1650 that say they cover a 4x4 , 3.5x5 or 5x5 area flowering. Somebody should pick up a side job & make up a few....... hint hint..... lol


      • Farmall
        Farmall commented
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        I’ve made enough of these frames that I would build them and sell them...they are equally as good and are probably 1/2 the cost of commercial fixtures and more than customizable. BUT, I can only imagine the bullshit that develops if there was a problem. What’s worse, any thing I buy to build I am paying full price on unless I buy 100 strips, $2000.00. 12 Drivers $1000.00. Dozens of small parts for each assembly $400.00 and extruded aluminum $325.00. Not including any dress-up items I added to mine for hanging and hiding wiring. Add it up and you’ll get 8 2’x4’ assemblies costing about $425.00 per setup. That’s not allowing for spools of wire, connectors, thermal tape and the time it takes to assemble the whole thing.

        I’m discovering that you’ve gotta find it as a labor of love or as just another step in caring for your plants to beyond an extreme that you’re actually building your own lights.

      • YYCannabis
        YYCannabis commented
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        Farmall...always the option to sell it as a DIY assembly kit. Include all the parts and the customer assembles. (also shifts liability onto the customer) 😉👍

      • JDU
        JDU commented
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        I would be SOOOO into a DIY assembly kit lol. Save me the headaches of figuring what I need & send me strips attached to heatsinks with drivers.....simple intructions... up to me if I do a spine, frame or hog wire.....

      My wife is so sweet. She made my decision for me... went on my Amazon & bought my cart for our anniversary. I was looking at a Mars hydro 2000 so I guess that's what I'm getting lol.


      • YYCannabis
        YYCannabis commented
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        My wife was, at first, concerned with the costs and what the power bill would be. After going through the math of growing vs Rx or legal store bought, the decision was simple. Growing my own would be cheaper. My break even point on my investment is 7 months (of no longer buying). She became more supportive but is still worried about the bills.

      • JDU
        JDU commented
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        Same. I was shocked cause she ain't too keen on the dollar amount (that she knows of 😉) I've spent so far but I think she'll be happy when I don't have to hit the dispensary any more!! 7mos to catch up huh? Cool- a goal!!

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