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Plywood walls

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  • Smokesteve
    commented on 's reply
    Farmall not so in the winter no ventilation at all because of the cold temps outside lights will keep the room around 80 even with heat.

  • Farmall
    commented on 's reply
    Since you’re likely venting the space with negative air pressure and the air flow is active, your chances of mold or no greater than any grow box or grow room of any materials

  • DW2
    Howdy Smokesteve, I have been working on a plan (still in the drawing stage) for another grow space. I am planning on a 2 x 4 frame (to carry the load of the lights, etc.) and using a foam board with a reflective foil cover. The foam board is available in thickness from 3/ inch up to 1 inch thick, and is sold at most home improvement stores (I think that it is for insulating A/C duct work) and comes in 4' x ' sheets. I'm planning on the 2 x 4's on the inside to be able to mount shelves and supports for the fans, pumps, and lights. I plan to cover the exposed 2 x 4's with aluminum foil to keep it all reflective.

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  • Greengringo
    LurkingInTheGrass I did something similar as yourself..panda can get pricey that's why I didn't suggest it some people work with budget..But the stuff is great to work with and definitely does the job and some.

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  • MDR
    I have no idea how this relates to cannabis growing, but keep in mind plywood will hold humidity and temperatures very strong, without proper ventilation. It's a common material for building vivarium habitats with lizards.

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  • LurkingInTheGrass
    I used 2x2 for the framing and braces, then attached panda film to the frame.

    The 'door' is like an old timey storm window, it slides in and out of the frame

    I used 2x3 for the top and bottom plates on one side, to allow some depth for the 'door' to slide into

    something I lost track of, during the build was the inside measurement
    my box ended up (inside measurement) 5'x4'9" instead of a clean 5x5

    I blame the medication

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  • Smokesteve
    commented on 's reply
    Yes that's why I'm thinking pt is more desirable.

  • Greengringo
    Smokesteve if your doing something indoors you could also go with a fairly cheap design by building a frame with cheap PVC tubing shower curtains with rings mylar over top of shower curtains could purchase most stuff from a dollar store .

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  • Greengringo
    Just watch for molding with untreated materials..just saying..

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  • Farmall
    One thing for certain, plywood is the most expensive....particle board, a/k/a OSB Oriented Strand Board is cheaper, available with tongue and groove to interlock it together. Since you using it for walls, it is fine. Plywood is stronger but your not using it for that. I’m sure either has a bit of an odor when new and you can get a roll of 4’ Mylar and staple it onto the surface for hi reflectivity.

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  • Smokesteve
    started a topic Plywood walls

    Plywood walls

    Anyone use plywood for walls in a grow room? Did you use pt or just pine structural both in ½ inch. Thx

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