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Hermied bud by female plant that hasnt flowered yet

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    Hermied bud by female plant that hasnt flowered yet

    My question is i think i have a hermie stressted plant with buds and its being around my backyard with my female seed plants 3mths old not flowering but has sexed females will the hermie plant wreck my females that arent flowering yet

    It can unless you remove the pollen sacks before they produce pollen. If you let the pollen escape the pollen can pollinate other plants. I'm not sure how long pollen viable but i wouldnt risk it if you plan to flower in the next month or so. I prefer an over abundance of caution! That said if you are on top of it and never let the plant produce pollen then you should be fine.


      Thanks mate so just to be clear it can pollinate my females that arent flowered yet but they do have white hair by lats off stem and i dont know if any pollen has escaped due to i just noticed and this plants has been thru stress it battled winter elements but its reveging during its budding time im tryn to revert it bk with 12hour dark each night im in wrong season its just hitting summer now in nz so its lights and dark periods are not right for budding so i am locking in shed 8pm to 8am for a wk now im not 100 percent on if it was bananas but i did remove they were light green but had a hair in it so i think it could be just reving shells on stalks how does that sound to you


        This is plant im accusing of sexual conduct ahaha


        • herbgrower
          herbgrower commented
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          Corogold Do not let it sexually harass other plants!

        Click image for larger version

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Size:	2.77 MB
ID:	355622
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          Click image for larger version

Name:	20191207_185034.jpg
Views:	240
Size:	2.20 MB
ID:	355632


          • SoOrbudgal
            SoOrbudgal commented
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            That looks like my autos from summer outdoor never faded always green smoked OK very low yield but i'm keeping on got 3 in wet paper towel as I type.

          Sweet bro thanks for feedback


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