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Suddenly drooping.

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    HELP! Suddenly drooping.

    I have a NL auto that has been doing very well since recovering from root rot treatment. On Friday I gave her a defoliation to get rid of some overbearing fan leaves. Saturday she started looking a little depressed.

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ID:	352427 Then Sunday she went into full depression

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ID:	352429 I’m not sure if she just really hates being plucked, or if there was a root issue. I had a bad experience treating an early stage root rot where the cure was almost worse than the disease. I examined the roots and they are clean and strong. I gave her roots an all day bath in plain pH adjusted water. Then back onto her regular nutrient feed at half strength.

    When I got home this afternoon I hoped I would see her looking a little perkier, but she’s still droopy. The pH had elevated from 6.4 (last night) to 7.2 this afternoon. PPM was relatively unchanged. Water level had not changed.

    She’s in 5th wk of flower, but suffered a setback just after showing pistils, so I’m guessing the equivalence of week 3 of flower.

    Thoughts on what could be wrong? Did I shock her with a light plucking?

    There are 3 things you must check everyday when growing in hydro:
    1) Water level (How much h2o is she drinking in 24hrs)
    2) pH level (change over 24hrs)
    3) ppm/EC level (How much food is she eating in 24hrs)

    What are temps at? Also do you have a fan blowing on it? Sometimes ive found that having a fan blowing directly on the plant causes it to drink more water giving it the over-watered symptoms in hydro. Also make sure your ph is ok. I personally prefer keeping mine between 5.8 and 6.2 rather than the 5.5-6.5. it allows for my ph pen if it gets a little out of calibration.


    • YYCannabis
      YYCannabis commented
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      I have a small oscillating fan that would blow back and forth past this plant. It was enough to jostle the leaves momentarily. I had purposely pH my water to the 6.4 since my ph will usually drop a few point overnight after a fresh change thinking that it would get down to 6.0-6.2.
      Temp in my tent is usually well within tolerance (18C during lights out, and upper 20s during lights on) with humidity between staying between 48-56% RH.

    • Tersky
      Tersky commented
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      well shoot it doesnt sound like any of that. The ph might have been the issue and it just needs to recover. I have had some ph drops in my res and have been raising it higher because of that as well but i'm about to harvest so i'm flushing anyways. I dont think the plucking is the culprit, though if it were a sick plant it could shock it a little. I would give it a bit more time and just keep an eye on ph and roots, as sometimes ph drop can be a sign of something starting with the roots. Or it could be recovering still. I had a pest situation in my roots and i gave it an h2o2 and plain water soak for a little bit and probably used too much h2o2 and for a couple days she didnt drink but then started back. I had shocked the roots with too much h2o2 but luckily didnt kill them. Hopefully thats similar to what you are experiencing.

    Looks like she went into shock. Have you check your airstone etc. ? One time I forgot to turn my pumps back on for a couple of days. That looked like yours. Good luck !!
    Focus and relativity.


    • YYCannabis
      YYCannabis commented
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      Airstone and pump are working fine. I am leaning towards it just being shocked. How long does recovery usually take?

      You can see from the pic I posted that there are still plenty of large fan leaves left on her, so I didn’t think I plucked too aggressively.

    • Eliot Pryor
      Eliot Pryor commented
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      I agee, plucking a few leaves didn't do that. I guess you just watch and hope.

    She getting some perk back in her leaves. Most noticeably at her top (compared to previous pics I posted). Whatever it is, she getting better. Maybe tomorrow she will have all her leaves looking normal.

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    There are 3 things you must check everyday when growing in hydro:
    1) Water level (How much h2o is she drinking in 24hrs)
    2) pH level (change over 24hrs)
    3) ppm/EC level (How much food is she eating in 24hrs)


    • D.A.A.S.69
      D.A.A.S.69 commented
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      I've seen plants shut down like that from watering to often, an to much light, some plants are more sensitive to light than others, you might want to try raising your light a few inches, and see what happens.
      Anyway good luck, nice plants.

    • YYCannabis
      YYCannabis commented
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      Since I’m in DWC I know it’s not overwatering. Light stress might possibly the reason, but from what I have read is that it’s usually just the tops of plants that will go limp. This little lady went limp almost all the way down to her 2nd node.
      Can a whole plant go limp from light stress?

    • D.A.A.S.69
      D.A.A.S.69 commented
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      I know some of mine do, even the ones out in the woods, they can only take so much light then they shut down, photosynthesis stops.
      Sorry ,I didn't read that you were DWC, My bad.
      Nice beautiful plants, you got there, for sure.Removing leaves ,ain't hurt nothing.If she was mine, I'd remove some more for good air flow, but only a week or two, after she recovers.
      They love that good breeze on them ,when flowering.
      I 've grown several NLights autos, mine came from Nirvana, they can get huge too, especially if it takes awhile for them to show pistils.
      None of mine were ready before day 90, they are kinda slow at finishing, but well worth the wait. Great mellow, smooth smoke.
      I think she's getting to much light, but that's just my opinion, some autos are very sensitive to light, raising my lights always seemed to do the trick, in only a day or two.
      Anyway good luck, very nice plants.

    Glad to see she is coming around for ya. Just like having a kid.. We invest alot of time and effort to make em happy and hope they grow up healthy and strong.


    • YYCannabis
      YYCannabis commented
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      Raised 6 kids myself. My measurement of success...we kept them off the stripper pole and out of prison. LOL

    Good to see her perking up. I think when you put her in for flush it shocked her . Oh well live and learn. Good growing !!
    Focus and relativity.


      Looking better, but some leaves are still droopy but feel almost dry-ish...

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ID:	353566
      There are 3 things you must check everyday when growing in hydro:
      1) Water level (How much h2o is she drinking in 24hrs)
      2) pH level (change over 24hrs)
      3) ppm/EC level (How much food is she eating in 24hrs)


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