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Inline exhaust and filter

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    Inline exhaust and filter

    Good morning everyone, I am shopping for another exhaust and filter, I am going with the 6" size. I am currently using an Ipower 4", I have the 4" fan set up with bungie cords so I don't get any vibration noise, just fan and air flow noise but it is louder than I would like. I want something that is much quieter. Is there such a thing as a quiet fan? So hoping you guys can help me with picking out a quieter fan.
    Born August 1956.

    Coco-Coir/Perlite Mix
    Mega Crop Nutrients, Bud Explosion.
    36"x36"x73" Grow Tent
    4 bulb T5's for Veg.
    2 VipraSpectra 450 LED for flowering
    IPower 4" Exhaust and Scrubber
    3 Gallon fabric pots.

    Check out the Cloudline t-6. It is possibly 50% quieter from what I remember from the iPower unit...they also have one with a wired remote controller but is all is double the cost of the other blower


    • uncledoug
      uncledoug commented
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      Thanks Farmall, It looks like a nice fan, decent price, I also like the smaller size compared to my Ipower.

    Also, a stronger fan on low is quieter than a weaker fan on high. I don't know what brands are quieter unfortunately so all i have is that lol.
    Last edited by Tersky; 11-25-2019, 02:45 PM.


    • duckman
      duckman commented
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      you got it, Tersky ... I run a Terrabloom 6” EM Inline Fan 350 cfm, comes with speed controller, the fan is way too big for my tent and when I dial it down I can hardly hear it.

    Vortex S-line, AC Infinity Cloudline, Hyper fan. I'm sure there are others but these are all popular and people seem to be happy with them. If I had the money I would definitely go with the Hyper for the efficiency.


      uncledoug good to hear from you,
      been catching any Smallmouth lately?
      If it was legal where I live I'd try to have some of those high priced fans an exaust, like mentioned above, but I just use them cheaper ones from Vivosun, and it runs pretty quiet, mines a 6inch, with a knob on it you can turn up an down for speed, I think it's a 440 cfm, I think, mines outside my little tent ,an I can hardly hear it run.
      Them ones they make for intake air, is noisy as hell, I don't even use them no more, they so damn loud. Lol
      I think they only cost bout 50bucks.
      Cfls for a week or two
      315lec for everything else
      Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
      36x36x63 inch tent.
      6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
      Smart pots


      • uncledoug
        uncledoug commented
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        D.A.A.S.69, Hey DAAS good to hear from you. Thinking of going from 4" to 6" because I may be getting a bigger tent from a friend, so as long as I'm doing that figured I would ask about quiet fans. Thanks for the info.

        Haven't been fishing in a few weeks, lots of ice starting on the bay so I put the boat away till the melt in the spring, then will be going for Trout and Pike until it warms up a bit. Going back to Texas after Christmas for 2 weeks and will do some Small mouth fishing there. The lake there also has Striped Bass so will fish for them too.

      uncledoug you may find that just by increasing the ducting size that the noise level drops a bit AND you may find by using the insulated duct tubing, it will help to quiet the sound outside of the tent even further.. Ive used that T-6 and as silly as it sounds, got it immediatley after plugging in that one that came with the filter. That one ran for 10 seconds and I knew it would be unacceptable . The T-6 is like a whisper by comparrison


      • uncledoug
        uncledoug commented
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        That sounds like it would be nice. Do they take regular filters or are they designed to only accept their brand filter?

      • Farmall
        Farmall commented
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        I’ve just used any 6” flanged filter

      hey uncledoug i just switched from a 4 to 6 inch fan filter combo. My 4" was a plastic housing fan, rather cheap and noisy. I upgraded to a 6" Fusion Breath/w x-large filter, 530 CFM. I needed more room in my tent so this is outside, sitting on a piece of foam, and i cant hear it over my LED fans and two circulating fans. And as Tersky said, a large fan on low is quieter than a smaller fan trying to move the same amount of air. I have mine on low, plants are in early flower and it works really well!
      Shappel S3000 3.5x6x6' ice hut
      Fusion Board LED Panel 480w
      6" Fusion Breath, Fan/Filter
      Canna Coco/perlite
      General Hydroponics Flora Series

      Scarlet Galaxy GTF
      Scarlet Grapes x2 GTF
      Razzpergers GTF


      • uncledoug
        uncledoug commented
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        You say it's sitting on a piece of foam, do you have the filter inside the bottom of the tent?

      • homegrown
        homegrown commented
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        hey uncledoug, as FBL said, i have my fan/filter combo outside the tent. Pulling air from the tent then pushing it thru the filter. More room and less clutter in the tent.

      I think homegrown means that is is sitting on the floor outside the tent on top of a thin piece of foam. the fan is pulling the air out and blowing it out through the filter, not pulling through the filter and then outside.


        homegrown, So your exhaust is not vented outdoors then I'm guessing. I can do that in the winter but during the summer I need to vent the heat and moisture outside.
        Born August 1956.

        Coco-Coir/Perlite Mix
        Mega Crop Nutrients, Bud Explosion.
        36"x36"x73" Grow Tent
        4 bulb T5's for Veg.
        2 VipraSpectra 450 LED for flowering
        IPower 4" Exhaust and Scrubber
        3 Gallon fabric pots.


        • homegrown
          homegrown commented
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          thats correct uncledoug, im just venting into my basement which maintains a cool 65-69 all year round. Just looking at your tent size and i think the unit im using would be too big for your space and too heavy to hang. (fan/filter weight approx 27lbs). Just wondering..if your venting straight you even need a filter? Or do you have to worry about neighbours and smell?

        • uncledoug
          uncledoug commented
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          homegrown, Yes I need it for the smell. I live in a small village and we're close to our neighbors. This time of the year I don't vent outside because heat isn't a problem and humidity stays around 30%. Summer is hot and can be very humid at times. I'm thinking that I may mount the exhaust outside the tent with the filter inside, that will help with space.

        • D.A.A.S.69
          D.A.A.S.69 commented
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          uncledoug Morning ole bud, that's one of the reasons, i dont grow in the summertime no more, unless it's out in the woods, plus the electric bill,, this year we had the second worst flooding in Ms.history, second only too the Great flood of 1927,
          Our deer herd, suffered, horrible damage, it will take 3-4years, to get back like it was, but all that flooding, sure keeps our soil very rich, fertile, with all that rich topsoil ,settling in the Delta area.
          Have a nice Thanksgiving, Doug.
          HappyFishing, lol

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