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My first 2nd and 3rd outdoor grow all at once 3 stages

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    My first 2nd and 3rd outdoor grow all at once 3 stages

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        Anyone who could help me with ideas all are appreciated i love the culture the meaning the medicine the cycle and most of all the feeling of the plant watch learning experminting and tasting id love to learn lights just funding is not possible im nz south island climate cheers any feed back good feedback


          Very nice garden !! Good luck with mother nature.
          Focus and relativity.


            Thanks mate


              Can any1 let me know what they think about this plant sory i took photo with sun going so itsbit dull Click image for larger version

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                Theres alot going on and i think its prodomitly sativa this is bag seed it has very tiny leaves but alot of them its 3mths old vegging outdoor nz still hasnt sexed but throws off crossed stipules leafy thin growth by stiptules lookn soon to throw out little white hair i believe and just has posture and growth patterns of fem but what im tryn to ask is the small dark green leaves green and purplish stalk very hard woody stalk i know we cant tell for sure what strain just wondering if it would be a indoor strain kind of ak47 resemblence and when should i defolaite and should i defoliate theres no a leaf on it bigger than a 3 yr old babys palm but there seems to be alot any ideas on anything guys also it has more lats on it than my indica strain thats 3x the size its a very different and busy little plant


                • SoOrbudgal
                  SoOrbudgal commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Morning from Oregon Corogold nice big ass plant you got there. That's the problem I've had in the past with random seeds really hard to sex m or f until their nearly 4months old outdoors. But to me it seems to scream " female" like you say. Yes I have got a similar purple woody leaf stems I don't know why it's baffling I can have 2 same strain same pkg seed one is green other turns purple ?? I don't sweat it. I'd just leave it not do anything until it shows hairs. For the heck of it you could remove abunch of the tiny shoots but unless I knew sex of plant I don't waste time trimming. Hence I buy Fem seeds and hope they are LOL P.S. keep it going if you can could be a good one sure looks healthy.

                Thanks mate cheers for that and yea i got seeds 1xgreen 1x dark brown and 2 mild brown with tiger stripes all same strain and nearly all different ahaha so i do know what you mean about that ahaha and yes my plants are lookn very healthy at the moment so im happy all around at date to speak i will update my pics next week so you can have a look cheers mate


                  Could ya let me know if this is good move for auto seeds i placed them in room temp water for 12hr them paper towel method 24hr they had taproot 0.5cm long i then placed in jiffy 1cm or less down with raproot facing downwards then put in small takaway container with lid on but not sealed completly placed under 1 x 20w cfl bulb around 4inch away seeds have now lifted but still got seed head attached this is 3day and lookn good i believe but does it sound correct to yous with experience these are autos and i will be placing in final pot of 13litres for outdoor i want to leave them them in jiffy under they 20w cfl cooldaylight tone bulb for couple set leafs a week or so is this a good prep scheme or not cheers guys


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