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WPM now what?

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    WPM now what?

    So I just discovered early stages of WPM on my girls and I have a treatment coming tomorrow however, I want to know do I have to do anything to my grow tent? Someone told me that because it is airborne that I need to disinfect the tent and told me to use bleach and water but that seems very aggressive couldn't I use a vinegar and water solution? Do I even need to treat the tent? From what I read about the topic on GWE there didn't seem to be any mention on the tent, just the treatment of the plant. TIA

    You want to be aggressive with WPM. Use the bleach solution. You don't want it coming back do ya?


    Just spray all your leaves with neem it should do the trick but if you believe fake news about neem then you can also but bicarbonate aka baking soda and mix a tea spoon to a gallon and do a foliage spray.


      Increase air flow, I used trifecta crop control pricey stuff, some use milk and water (1-8), a friend washes it off with water.
      I plucked off fan leaves for air flow, any that were infected were plucked, bud too, then sprayed the under side of the leaf, then the top side until it was dripping off (soak em), probably overkill but I sprayed the ground as well, and all surrounding plants. And I cut growth around them, for more air flow,,,
      Good luck!


      • susieqtpie83
        susieqtpie83 commented
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        Thanks. Did you clean your tent? I'm fine with spraying the plants just unsure if I need to clean the tent too.

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        Mine were outside,,,,

      susieqtpie83 you could also use straight up white vinegar..just spray let it sit for a bit ..wipe the whole tent down don't miss anything turn your fan on to ventilate you should be fine ...mind you this is for your tent NOT your plants you could go with Cali or Rwise methods for your plants which will work just fine.


      • susieqtpie83
        susieqtpie83 commented
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        Thank you! How long to should I ventilate the tent for before putting plants back in?

      Not long a couple minutes should be fine as long as you clean it up. But if your dealing with wpm seriously look into neem oil or neem meal go to you’ll find info and all you need there. People in the PNW claim no wpm issues after using neem once a week and that is an issue for many growers out there from what I read.


      • JDU
        JDU commented
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        Indeed. It gets humid here in the PNW. But I haven't had the problem since I drastically increased air flow by adding a few more fans. Not an inch of my tents doesn't get airflow. To treat it I just wiped as much as I could off & drenched them top & bottom with about a teaspoon (maybe 1.5) of baking soda in a gal of water.

      U can use this all the way up to cut day.
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        Smokesteve or you can just buy the oil and emulsify it yourself with some soapnut or something like dr. Bronner soap. That would be cheaper most likely. On the ingredients it says 16.something percent oil and the rest 80somerhing percent inert ingridients guess what inert means? H2O it just means water so if you find out how much the pure oil costs I’m sure it’s cheaper and you can make it stronger. But then again neem meal will do more it’s a fungicide pesticide plus NPK and a lot more


          Still battling the WPM, it's not as bad as the beginning, so my question is do you continue to treat during flowering?


            I did with "Trifecta crop control", no taste has been noticed, it is all natural and safe to harvest, it is also pricey!


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