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What eats the stem out of the bud?

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    What eats the stem out of the bud?

    I was inspecting a plat, Mazar I Shariff, and I found a few small buds just laying there in a few kolas. As I pulled them out I noted they were not attached, sat them to the side. This morning I am giving them a look over, and there is another dying bud, also just setting there not attached. I tore into it, it has no stem, so I grab the jewelers loupe and give it a close (30x) look. The trics are there nice but clear, whats that, a little black ball of little black balls (about the size of the head of a tric)! Eggs but for what? I wish I could get picks,,,
    I also sprayed this morning for spidermites, I did not see anything fly away,,,(alcohol/water)
    So whats your thoughts as to what eats the stem out of a bud, lays eggs and moves on?
    And how to get rid of it,,,,

    tiny caterpillar maybe?
    Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

    Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
    indoor/outdoor grower
    1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
    I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
    Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


    • D.A.A.S.69
      D.A.A.S.69 commented
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      I know you said you can't get pictures, but pictures speak ,thousands of words.
      If I had to guess, I'd say budworms, catapillers. Like SoOrbudgal said above.
      I've torn open some nice outdoors buds, and seen small worms, or larvae, I think it's called, not sure though, very similar to the worms, you sometimes see in corn.
      They can do horrible damage,
      I hope you find out what it is,

    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      I certainly agree with pics, the equipment is just not in the budget for now,,,

    I had a lot of trouble this year with cotton borers....caterpillars that crawl inside your stem from eggs laid in a bud. They then chew up the inside of the stalk, usually resulting in bud rot/death(for me anyways).

    Hemp borers eat the bud proper I believe.

    I'm no expert, but I have sprayed buds with bt spray for caterpillar control with no ill effects of taste of buds.

    Good luck!


      I will look at the BT, I do think it to be some type of tiny caterpillar, but so far all I have read on bud worms say the eggs are white to yellowish. And I would be able to see the worms,,,
      I put this last bud in a sealed jar to see what happens, probably nothing,,,

      Check out this link on bugs!
      Last edited by Rwise; 11-12-2019, 11:32 AM.


        It is probably worm poop that you are seeing as the tiny black balls. That's what insect turds look like.

        We had issues with them this year on the outside grows.
        You may win the race, but you pass all the best things in life on the way.


          I went and cut the affected kola off and gave it a real close look (60x). Where the bud had been attached did not look chewed off or cut, more like an acid burn. I did not see any more of the little balls of little black balls, Spidermite that is something I thought of as well.
          So even though the dead is green at this point I believe it to be budrot. So I will be mixing up some trifecta,,,.


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