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    SOIL Aphids

    Click image for larger version  Name:	E52CE73E-FC77-4333-A167-9A52A5AA3C77.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	378.9 KB ID:	348741 Little white/clear bug crawling on my main stem. Grabbed it and washed my hands. Went back to look at my plants, backside of leaves, stems etc. nothing.. I have three gg plants entering into their third week of flower.. Coincidentally I was doing a defoliation on all three plants so I’m sure that helped if there was an infestation. I guess my question is Ive noticed that one and I haven’t seen anymore. Is it possible that it was just that one?.. or do they come in groups? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Ive noticed two on my plant in the span of a month... i think its a thrip. They are super super tiny and almost see through/white. I've never found more than one at a time and i scoured my plants searching!


    • Jjpaul
      Jjpaul commented
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      I am into week 4 and haven’t noticed anymore! So it must have been that one.

    Will need some close up pics for bug identification. Nice looking plants. You want to get those bugs before they do any damage. This insecticidal soap is sometimes useful, and not too harmful to you, and others.


      Update: week 4 doing fine. No pest!
      Attached Files


      • NikkiAnne
        NikkiAnne commented
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        Looking great!

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