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    Oh yes she is. But shoot! She was really thriving and showing new growth, so I went to transplant her in a bigger pot. Foolishly I forgot to take off the twisty ties and when I flipped her I split the stem in two! I’m so clumsy! I immediately taped her up. I’ve really put a beating on this girl. Without deliberate intention off course. Goes to show how fragile these girls are especially in their early stages and in her particular condition too. Just going to give her a little extra T.L.C. And I think she’ll be good to go. I ‘ll keep you updated thanks for your support and comments blueberry.


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      here is my BlueHash in the third week of flower. I now have 3 main stems, essentially. I did top one from the split. It is a very healthy plant, had a couple OH NO! moments from the potting into final container with soil. but she has come around. a bit lanky.


      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
        Editing a comment
        Beautiful plant must have quite the grow space, very nice.

      • BlueberryGIrl
        BlueberryGIrl commented
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        SoOrbudgal thank you. It is an ideal situation. A sweet place to grow.

      Oh My God She's Beautiful! Thank You for sharing.


        Here’s sue. Just switched over to flower. She took a beating so she only ended up with 4 main colas. But I think they’re going to end up chunky! I’ve trained her to stay short and bushy. Had to apply Damascus Earth due to a heavy fungus nats infestation. Thank You Grow Weed Easy web site for all the valuable info.


        • BlueberryGIrl
          BlueberryGIrl commented
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          Vicmanjun hey she is looking great for the beating she took. Healthy. I swear by Diatomaceous Earth for infestations. good stuff and natural. I have found the the fabric pots are more susceptible to gnats than plastic or clay. I actually went back to plastic due to the fabrics sensitivity to the little bugs.

        Oh really? That's great advise! I'm going to keep that in mind for my next grow. Thank you for your feedback! Positive Vibrations!


        • BlueberryGIrl
          BlueberryGIrl commented
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          If any of grow material is coming from outside: pots, tools, open bag of compost- the gnats can attach their larve to that object, it doesn't take long. What happen to me was I repotted my indoor grow plants outside, nice day, into fabric pots. I let one pot stay outside for an hour. became distracted etc. That was all it took for an infestation. I brought that larve from outside into the grow room. I have the little bastards making an appearance presently. they hung around.

          But, I do like the grow in a fabrique pot because I have found that the overall bud size improved. Just dont do what I did. I ended up washing the pots in white vinegar, air dried.
          Last edited by BlueberryGIrl; 01-12-2020, 12:05 PM. Reason: additional comment.

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        Here is the mutated Blue Hash at 7 weeks. soon to harvest. I did experience a little Nutrient problem with the re potting into the final pot. I am not getting the amount of blue as I did the first time I grew this strain last year. over all though it is looking healthy and the three main branches have produce a good size bud!


          Oh my Gosh! She's Marvelous! Thank You for sharing! I shall post some of good ol' sue soon...



            I harvested and now the plant is drying.

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              I do have another mutant. identical to the the Blue Hash mutant. this strain is a critical cheese. weird.

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                WoW! That's pretty cool!


                  There’s Sue. She’s doing great.
                  Attached Files


                  • BlueberryGIrl
                    BlueberryGIrl commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Hey Vicmanjun Sue is looking good in the beautiful sunshine! how long now before you harvest? sorry dont know where you are locate, southern hemisphere? equator? it would be nice to see a photo of you plant at harvest. ​​​​​​​

                    I have realised that my blue hast mutant seedling came from a blue hash plant from a previous grow. Sometimes i do get seeds from feminized plants, Blue Hash in particular. The new mutant seedling that I thought was critical cheese is actually a Blue Widow which came from a plant in my last grow. so not a biologist but, both mutant seeds came from un pollinated feminized seeds.

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