the girls are recovering well from the treatment. Last water change I used another 1/4 dose and had almost no foaming action. This implies that the bad crap has been beaten into submission by the good crap. WIN!
Most of the leaves that were seriously affected have been slowly plucked away. Any leaves left that are still spotted will be left until a big defoliation.
Runty, on the other hand, is still spotted like a kindergarten classroom with chicken pox 🤣
Since her pistils quickly browned a shriveled, and her leaves are weak, I can’t do much to help her out. She’s going to weather the storm until her week.
And if you’re wondering why I call her Runty, have a look at her sister, Big Sis.
Big Sis was the fastest one out of seed with a taproot that was big enough to make a horse blush 😂. Since Big Sis and two other twins were never affected by root issues and the painful treatment, they have grown very nicely.
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