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    Burning one of my own creations this morning, Headbanger (20" 65 day) over Himalaya Blue Diesel (48" 120 day), autos. Where did the sour come from? These are very nicely sour smelling and tasting, one of them was like fresh ripe sweet juicy pineapple (that did not last long LOL). Neither parent had this flavor, not that I am complaining, just was not expecting this nice sour flavor/aroma. So far they get 20-30 inches tall and finish within 90 days.


    • Daskahn
      Daskahn commented
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      It’s possible that the diesel used in the Himalayas blue diesel is sour diesel and that gives the pineapple/ lemony taste/smell
      Himalaya blue diesel is a cross itself so when you mixed the two the possible pheno types that could have presented theirselves could be pretty large.. thats why in general breeders start with a base strain.. aka an original or stabilized strain.. find yourself a real good base strain and breed for a specific trait then do the same with another.. till your good and happy.. mix this two plant as many seeds as you can off of them and then pick out only the ones that showed both traits kill all others.. or well you know lol and when you got the ones that only show this traits you have to cross back to each other till you stop getting seeds that produce something else.. at that point you got your own strain.. now there’s other people that might have tried that same combo and technically they could be similar but unless it was the same exact dna they started with yourll have a separate strain that’s why their are so many strains with blue in them.. or lemony I’d love to see a black dahlia mixed with like a Jack the Ripper..

    They are luvely


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