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Damn Aphids!

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    Damn Aphids!

    Hey everyone! So i have an Aphid problem. My budding started 3 weeks ago and im afraid to spray with anything. There are alot of buds so it will be impossible to spray without hitting them. I was talking with my father who grows vegetables and he says vinegar and water mix will kill them. What will this do to my buds. I need to act on it before there are to many. This is the first time i have ever grown and my plants are ok i would like to see a smokable harvest.

    Howdy zzhaxmanzz, You might go to Your local garden supply store and but some lady bugs. A simple and eco friendly way to solve the aphid infestation. If You are growing in soil, diatomatious earth could be spread over the top of the soil to prevent them from laying more eggs as well.
    Smoke weed,.....grow peace!


      Hey...... I like the lady bug solution. I currently have a few that naturally ended up there. I have caught them breeding. I have even offered the neighborhood kids 1 dollar a peice if they catch them. That is my first plan of attack. Im not sure if the local shops sell but its worth a try.


      • DW2
        DW2 commented
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        I bought some (1000 for only a fee dollars) years ago when I had a vegetable garden. I got them from a company called Michigan Bulb Co. That was some time ago (late 80's), but they may still be around.

      I had a grape vine ate up with them, I added (1500) Lady bugs and a week later the grape is clean, I also put some in the weed patch. I got mine local, they can be had on line,,, Also look for ants, they farm aphids!


      • DW2
        DW2 commented
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        Howdy Rwise, The ants that You are referring to will not kill or eat the aphids, they actually heard and protect them. The ants 'milk' the sweet liquid produced by the aphids. There are some ants that will eat them, but I would not want fire or army ants around.

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        Exactly! I have all those ants, some will move the aphids to another location to farm them there,,, so one needs to beware of ants as well.

      I am pretty sure thats what they meant by farming the aphids. I kill any ant i see on the plants. Found a fuzzy catapillar today and a worm burrowed into a bud yesterday. The catapillar went to the neighbors kid the worm bit the dust. All i saw on the bud was that it was really bound up so i pulled a couple leave open and he crawled his way out. If i didnt spend so much time admiring i would of never noticed. Today i have noticed i have over fed them. This is tricky stuff.


      • MeestaFeesha
        MeestaFeesha commented
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        It's fun though! 🤘😎. I second the recommendation to use ladybugs. I've found them at the local hardware store, as well as local (and not local) nurseries. Key thing is to release in the evening, so they're more likely to stay around.

        The other buds above have good info as well. Aphids leave 'honeydew' behind, which the ants frickin love, and will/do protect them from beneficial predators.

        *Edit Add*: If you do order online, be sure to look into the company beforehand to not get DOA bugs. Also, the larval form of 'Green Lacewings' (purchased online, overnight shipping certain days of the week) love eating aphids.

      Thanks for the tips. I will most likley have to order online. It has been fun and I will continue to grow regardles of the harvest results.


        Well i see about 8 lady bugs and 7 or eight larva crawling around. I have caught 3 pairs mating if that is what their doing this week. Im probably missing a couple ther is alot of foliage in there. I did pluck a big ass grasshopper off today. My one plant is loaded with sugar


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